Chapter 26

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Glimpse of the last few days tormented him in the form of nightmares. He saw himself tied up...being touched out of consent. Her lunatic expressions kept hovering around him

At one point he finds himself all alone in a jungle. Someone was calling his name and soon he realised it was none other than Jungkook

He saw him. But before he could run to him he heard a gun shot and Jungkook falls on the ground revealing Nora standing with a gun just behind him

That evil laughed echoed in his head

All the members were already gathered in the room, waiting patiently for him to gain consciousness.

Jungkook and jimin were sitting on each side of Taehyung while the others were standing. Namjoon was pacing up and down the room. Hoseok leaning against the wall, and Suga and jin were sitting on the couch.

Jungkook watched him flinch in his sleep. He moved closer to taehyung but as soon as he called him he opened his eyes abruptly.

"NO!" Taehyung jolts up covered in sweat and panting

"Tae tae its alright" Jungkook tried to calm him down while jimin and the other members advanced towards him, concerned.

"Dont TOUCH ME!!" he shoves off Jungkook's hand thinking its omeone else.

Suga notices Taehyung's eyes and understands whats going on "guys call the manager quick, he is in a trance its better the doctor handles him"

Namjoon runs out quickly to get the manager and the doctor

"GET AWAY FROM ME" taehyung screams covering his ears as Jimin tries to console him. Jin quickly moves both jungkook and jimin away from the bed and just then the doctor enters along with the manager

"Guys please wait outside"

The 6 of them went outside however, it was a bit difficult for them to take jungkook out as he was reluctant to leave taehyung along. It was Seokjin who managed to drag him out

After a while the manager came out with the doctor and was immediately met by the 6 men

"How is he?" Namjoon asked softly

"Taehyung had a very traumatic experience. Different people take different amount of time to deal with trauma, we will just have to give him that time. Meanwhile I will be cing here for his therapy and you all will just have to make sure he doesnt go through any stress. Keep him relaxed and happy"

With that the doctor left with the manager.

When they all went into the room they found him deep asleep

"I think we should let him rest" yoongi advised

"Yeah lets go" namjoon replied

"No. I want to be here with him. I dont want him to wake up scared all alone" Jungkook said his eyes fixed on Taehyung

None of them argued they knew it was of no use arguing with him regarding this so they just let him be

After everyone left it was only the two men alone in that room

Jungkook slowly sat beside Taehyung who was in his deep slumber

He took his hand and placed a soft kiss on it

"I am-m sorry Tae i am so so sorry" his voice started to quiver "I have been so selfish and coward. I could never gather the courage to accept our love infront of the world. You kept longing for this love and I kept ignoring it. I let it go thinking that there are more important things in my life. But I was so wrong there is nothing more important than you tae. Nothing. I cant live with out you I just cant."
He held his hand with both of his and placed his cheeck on it.

"I will never leave you alone never"

He kept weeping regretting how he chose others over  Taehyung

In the last few days when Taehyung was not with Jungkook and there was a possibility that he might never be again.....Thats when Jungkook realized the importance of love

His fame,his career, will give him so much but none of this will give him the peace that love will.

He realized that even if he decides to let go of his love and choose his career, he will be all dead inside.

He will smile but it will not be from his heart,because his heart will be indulged in eternal grief.

His soul will be empty

And thats when he understood that in his life nothing is more important than Kim Taehyung

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