Chapter 20

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"baby what are you doing" Nora shrieks and runs to taehyung who was lying on the ground

As soon as Taehyung heard the door knob turn, few minutes ago, he falls to ground and pushed the chair away with his leg

"i fell down nora" he says innocently trying to gain her sympathy "i really wanted some water, so got up but fell down"

"awww my baby" saying that she picks him up and helps him to sit on the bed, only then taehyung notices what she was wearing

"Nora this" he says, confused.

"yes baby my wedding dress" she twirls around and shows him the beautiful white dress that she was wearing. It was a long satin white dress with lacey boat neck. She had always worn a pearl necklace.

Taehyung was dumbfounded.

"I made it myself darling" she said sitting beside him and cupping his cheeks "every inch of it is made with love and desire"

As she spoke those words taehyung looked into her eyes. Yes there was love in it for him, but that isnt true love it is pure obsession the one where you just want that person to be with you and no one else. The one where you do not understand his agony and do not care if he is hurt. In this love, only your happiness matters not his.

Taehyung was hating every bit of it

"its nice" he forced himself to say those words so that the maniac doesn't get any hint of his true motives.

"awww darling" she kissed his forehead making every inch of his body cringe.

All his life taehyung respected humans and never crossed his boundary with out the consent but today his consent was being neglected in a horrible way. That woman did not care about his consent at all.

"lets go its time for you to see your suit, your wedding dress" with that she took his hand and brought him out of the room

Taehyung recalled what happened last time and he knows this time he needs to be careful, very very careful.

She took him to a room which was pretty big compared to the one taehyung was in. It had a king size bed a cupboard and a giant painting of his.

"this will be our room after the wedding" nora said clinging to his arm and stroking his triceps.

Taehyung just smiled and nodded.

"here" Nora moves towards the cupboard and takes out a black suit.

She comes back to taehyung "go change"

Taehyung just takes the suit and goes to the washroom

"what should I do what should I do" he mumbles to himself.

Then suddenly something catches his eye.

"Her name is Nora" says the inspector to the 6 boys and their manager sitting in the conference room

"she used to be a musician and also had a boyfriend called Arthur" the inspector shows them the picture of a young good looking boy in his late 20s.

"However, Arthur had to break up with her due to her excess anger and possessive nature. Even after the break up she stalked him, threatened him that she will commit suicide if he doesn't marry her, things went so bad that the poor boy had to get a restrainimg order for her, that order helped us find about her"

Namjoon nodded

All these was just making jungkook more and more anxious but he still kept his calm. He had to.

"but even after the restraining order she did not stop stalking him but then suddenly one day she stopped. Arthur thought maybe she got back her senses and learnt her lesson so she stopped. But unfortunately that was not the reason" the officer sighed

"then what was the reason?" yoongi asked

The officer looked at all of them and exhaled deeply


Nora was pacing up and down the room she waited.... she waited so long to be a bride to walk down the aisle and today finally it was happening.

She stood infront of the mirror and admired herself "today will be the best day of my life" she said running her hands over her bridal dress.

"nora" taehyung called softly

She turned around and saw her handsome groom standing tall in the black four piece amd white shirt.

The room was completely silent only the whooshing of the wind was audible

She slowly walked towards him with tears in her eyes

Oh how long she waited for this amd now finally it was happening

"taehyung" she gulped trying not to cry

Taehyung took her hand lovingly and made her sit on the bed... him sitting just beside her

The girl was so engrossed by his beauty that she did not even notice that he had his lft hand behind him

"nora" taehyung began "ever since i met you one thing became completely clear to me" he paused

Nora was looking directly into his eyes

"you love me"

She immediately smiled widely, her eyes still glistening with tears

"but that is not love, that is obsession" he said through gritted teeth

Her smile dropped immediately

She was confused

Her face was now covered with a puzzled expression

"tae-hy-uuumg wha" she mumbled

"and you are nothing but a crazy b****" taehyung shouted at the top of his voice on that last word and stabbed her thigh with the sharp scissor he was hiding behind his back, the one he found in the bathroom

"aaaaaaaaa" she screamed loudly, the pain was unbearably and given that he was stabbing into her so tightly it was getting even painful

She tried to shove him away but taehyung just grabbed the vase on the side table with his free hand and broke it on her head.

Her actions stopped

She stared at him with wide eyes and he stared her

In a moment taehyung saw blood running out of her nose and her eyes were dropping. In no time, Nora fainted and fell on that bed

Taehyung sat still for a while making sure she was out. He had no intention to kill her, oh no he will never do that but he just wanted his freedom

When he realised that she was actually out he abruptly got up and looked around the room for a telephone but there was none.

"doesn't matter i just need to find yeontan and get out" he said to himself

One last time he looked at the bloody bride on the bed and ran away from the room.

One last time he looked at the bloody bride on the bed and ran away from the room

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