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The following weeks seemed to fade together as the days grew shorter and the air grew sharper

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The following weeks seemed to fade together as the days grew shorter and the air grew sharper.

My recovery went relatively smoothly. Aside from a particularly stubborn scratch across my nose and a ¼ symbol that one merperson had carved into my wrist to remind me of my genetic status, the cream that Madam Pomfrey gifted me had done a great job of clearing up any marks. It also softened some of the harsh semicircles that my scales had created, which was a plus.

After a few days, my strength returned. The weakness was mostly due to dehydration, malnourishment, and simply lying lifelessly in bed for a week. Lucky for me, Momma James was constantly hovering to make sure that I was eating enough and finishing the endless supply of water cups that he left for me.

I was forced to miss the match against the Slytherins, which was agonizing to spectate. Some of the Slytherin players, with skin still maroon, seemed to be taking all of their anger out on our team, mainly James. I stood in the stands with Lily and Sirius for half of it, but once the score read 180-20 I moved to the booth to keep Remus entertained. The Slytherin seeker finally put us out of our misery about an hour in.

Due to my constant studying to catch up, I was actually ahead with my work and so missing a week only set me back about an essay or two. This was extremely helpful as it gave me room to relax and heal properly without the added stress of school work.

As time went on the topic of the attack was almost forgotten.


For me, the nightmares never resolved. Slashing golden tridents, grinning broken teeth, wrapping cold hands, haunting laughter. They never resolved.

I made it through most days with distractions. Quidditch, school, meals, they almost seemed normal. Until we would turn in for the night. Until the bed curtains were shut. Until the lights went out. Until the tridents, teeth, hands, and laughter returned. Until there were no distractions.

I came to hate the nights. I was last out of each class, last off the quidditch field, last at the dinner table, last in the common room. I was first to breakfast.

One night, though, I found the solution.

It was almost a month after the attack. At this point the news that I was a mermaid was beginning to surface, giving the Slytherins plenty of entertainment.

Severus and his little gang had a field day with making comments, posters, and tshirts with my head pinned to the body of a vile looking merperson. I had expected this, of course, and was only slightly phased. But I did have seven loosely wound body guards that were not so considerate.

James and Sirius took out the entire common room by themselves on the first evening, after a group of third years tried to sell us a set of the shirts.

The Slytherin table was met with an assortment of hexes from Marlene and Peter when they tried to start a "Beware the Beast" chant at lunch.

Lily and Alice baked a batch of biscuits that were charmed to drench any consumers with a fishy smell and scaly skin. The basket was placed in the Slytherin common room during their free and emptied within the hour.

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