The Legacy

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"Kasie wake up , there is a present for you down stairs" My mum had woken me up from the little sleep that i was having , once i was actually able to go to sleep , when i had stopped think about everything and just forgot about it all , but now it all came flooding back into my brain just like a massive wave.

What did my mum mean i have a present? , it's not my birthday or Christmas. I walked down the stairs slowly, feeling the fluffy carpet under my feet. Once i had entered the living room  saw small box sitting on the sofa with a note attached to it.

To Kasie , this is my way of showing how much i love you , inside the box is a charm bracelet , each day i will send you a charm each day , all meaning something to either you or me and i hope you understand what they mean x   I love you so much Kasie x Love from Dan xxxx

I picked up the small box placing it in the palm of my hand and talking of the lid revealing a silver charm bracelet , with only one charm on it a small green and silver turtle  , straight away i knew why he had got it , it was because it was the nickname that my parents used to call me when i was little.

I looked at the bracelet a little longer , but then put the lid back on and took it to my room placing it on one of my shelf so that it didn't get lost or damaged.

"Mum I'm going out for a bit , see you later on tonight" I said to my mum before leaving through the front door and heading down the street texting Raven to meet me at  Costa. I got to Costa in about 10 minutes , I stood against the wall outside , waiting for Raven to show up so we could go and get some coffee , when i heard a deep American voice call my name , i looked up to see that Andy was with the rest of his band just casually walking through town.

"Hey Andy" I said trying to sound happy , i wounder if Dan told Andy about what happened the other day between us.

"So i heard about you and Dan" He said looking me straight in the eyes

"Yeah , well you know , shit happens" I said brushing it off like it wasn't affecting me , but it was on the inside i was screaming , i was crying , i actually loved Dan , i had never felt like that about someone else.

"Yeah i know , i'm sorry , so why you waiting here on your own?"

"I'm waiting for Raven" When i said that Andy's face lit up , he had the biggest grin on his face ever

"So mind if we join you" He asked while giving me the puppy dog face.

"Andy that might work on Raven but not on me" I sighed , pretending to be annoyed , that's when Andy threw his arms around me and started begging like a little boy wanting a new toy car

"Please , Please ,Please ,Please ,Please ,Please ,Please Please , pretty pretty Please  with a cherry on the top"

"Sure" I looked at him smiling

"So are you and Raven like official now?"

"Yeah i guess , i really do like her , i think that she might me the one" He lowered his voice a bit so that the other boys didn't hear him.

"So Kasie , can i get a kiss seeing as i havn't seen you in ages?" Ashley purred into my ear , but i was able to calm myself.

"No" I said sounding serious

"What?" He looked taken aback  guess that no girl has ever rejected Ashley Purdy

I grabbed the back of his neck pulling his  head towards mine , smashing my lips to his , he instantly kissed me back , pinning me against she wall and lifting me off the ground slightly and cupping my arse , i heard a small growl escape the back of his throat , as i tangled my fingers in his hair , pulling him Even closer. The kiss that turned In to a snog , soon ended due to Raven Turing up and saying her thing "Yo guys do you mind not swapping spit in front of me and the rest of the public do you want me to puke" She stood there with her arms crossed scowling , while the boys were praising Ashley for getting in there.

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