Jealous minds think alike

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Kasie POV

Finally the film was over , We all walked outside Dan and me had some how walked out hand in hand and not even realised it ,until Andy did a little Witt-a-woo whistle at us ,I  looked at him and stuck my tongue out like a child. As i turned i saw Raven she looked down and upset so i went over to her and asked her what was wrong.

She just mumbled "Nothing it's just that , its just that i really wanted Andy to put his arm around me like Dan was doing to you and i was like making major hints towards him but it was like he didn't even realise".

I looked at her and gave her a hug "you'll be OK i know he likes you just by the way he looks at you".

Then Dan shouted over to us to hurry up , me and Raven ran to them both with big smiles on our faces , as i got by Dan's side his put his tanned arm around my shoulder , as i glanced at his arm i looked at his tattoo's ,

 . "I really like your tattoo's Dan "

He looked towards me and said well you can see my other one later on but i carn't show you it here because it's in a private place if you know what i mean" and he gave me a cheeky wink.

I looked over to my right and saw Andy and Raven talking , Raven looked so much happier , maybe due to the fact that Andy also had his arm around her shoulder and was pulling her closer to him with every footstep that they took.

"Hey listen errm I'm gonna head home now" Dan suddenly blurted out

i looked at him "wait, what, why are you leaving so early".  

  "No reason but if you want you could come to my house and if you wanted you could stay the night if that is alright with your parents".  

"yeah i would love to and i'm sure my mum and dad will let me i will just tell them that i am staying at Raven's or something , But what about Raven where will she stay?"

"She can stay with me if she wants"Andy announced a little to quickly "

Raven looked shocked but the good kind , we all agreed I was going back to Dan's and Raven was going back to Andy's , we said our good byes and headed off.

This is the first story that i have written , If You Think I should finish the story then just leave a comment, or vote please and if you want to can leave a comment about what you think of the story so far thanks.

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