Set The World On Fire

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Andy's P.O.V

I  had now sat down next to Raven after coming in from my little talk with Kasie , i honesty can't help but hate her a little after what she has done to both Ashley and Dan , how could she be so heartless? , Did she not think one way or another that they would someday find out about what she had done?.

All of us were waiting in anticipation  for her to say what ever she was going to say.

" Listen i know that you all hate me and what i did , and if i could i would turn back time and do everything differently , but i can't so the only way that i can make this better is if i..... leave" Her voice was full of sorrow and guilt.

"WHAT!!" Raven basically screamed at her, at this point Kasie was trying to hold back the tears that were forcing their way out of her eyes.

"I have to" Kasie whispered

I was just a shocked as everyone else , hand on my heart i thought that she was just going to say that she was really sorry and hoped that everyone understood, not leave.

"Why?" I asked trying to sound normal and calm , Raven had also started crying on my shoulder

"Because , i have to Andy if i stay here I'm just going to make everything worse"

"Kaise please , please don't leave i need you here with me your my best friend" Raven wailed

"I'm sorry" That was the last thing Kasie said before giving Raven a tight hug and leaving , all of us looked on at the door that she had just gone through.

"WHAT THE HELL, WHY IS NO ONE STOPPING HER?!!!!" Raven screamed at us all

"Why should we" Was Dan's answer

"Because you fucking arsehole we all know that you still love her , no matter what she has done" She shot back at Dan with a little venom in her voice , probably due to him making that comment and getting her more wound up.

Dan just sat there knowing that what Raven said was a 100% true , he couldn't deny it no matter how much he wanted to.

All of us sat there for a while not doing or saying anything , just plain old sitting.

"Come on Raven let's get you home so you can have some rest" I said lightly grabbing hold of her shaking arm.

"But what about Kasie?" She asked quietly

"Don't worry she will be fine I'm sure that DAN will go and look for her and plus she has probably gone home for a while" I made sure that i emphasised Dan's name so that he got off his arse and started looking for Kasie , or at least was going to check if she was there so then he could text me or something if she was , then i could put Raven's mind to rest.

I helped Raven in to the car and walked around to the drivers side i opened the door and sat down , doing my seatbelt up then i started driving home.

Every now and then i would glance at Raven and see her face , i was so happy no i was ecstatic that i had found a girl that i loved with all my heart i knew that she would never dare hurt me on purpose , she didn't have one bad bone in her body she was an angel , but i can't say the same in the bedroom department she is like a wild horny beast , it was hard trying to explain to the boys why i had scratches down my chest and on my shoulders , i don't think they believed my lie that i had fallen in a bush of nettles and went a little over board with the scratching , but Ashley being Ashley said that the only bush that i had fallen  in to was Raven's.

But anyway moving on from the bush talk , Raven is the only one i want , the only one i need when I'm  with her it feels like my life is complete like i don't need anyone else. Seeing her upset hurts me so much knowing that whatever i do still won't make her as happy as Kasie staying will.  Raven told me that when we first got together that they had been friends for nearly 13 years , so i knew how much her friendship with Kasie meant to her.

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