Always Attract

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One Week Later

Kasie's P.O.V

"God girls  are so emotional" Max joked slinging his arm round my shoulders as i wiped away the tears along with Raven. We had been crying since the start of the car ride to the airport.

We were now stood in the middle of the airport , the boys laughing at me and Raven for being such girls for crying over them   , Raven was clinging on to Andy like her life depended on it , it honestly broke my heart to see my best friend , my sister like this.

I looked up from sobbing in to in to Max's shoulder to see Jake holding his arms out wide for me , I walked up to him wrapping my arms tight around his waist pulling him closer , he tightened his grip on my back rubbing it softly. After a while i heard some one cough behind us i turned my head to see Ashley stood there with a puppy dog look on his face also holding his arms out wide. The tears started falling all over again , he quickly pulled me to his body once i had let go of Jake.

I felt his arms snake around my waist and him placing a soft kiss on my forehead , he lowered his lips down to my ear i could feel his hot breath fanning against my skin. "Sleeping with you was the best mistake i ever made , i'm really gonna miss you Shawty".

I looked him dead in the eyes , and saw that everything he had said he meant.  He lowered his head so that our foreheads were touching.

"Imma miss you to Player" I said smiling up at him and winding my arms around his neck

"So when i come back your still gonna be my number one Purdygurl?" He had a massive smirk on his face.

" You know it , i always have been and always will be no doubt about it" He placed a soft kiss on my lips , "I love you so much Kasie"

"I love you to Ashley" My voice started to break at the end of the sentence , i untangled myself from Ashley and walked over to the rest of the boys giving each one of them a hug.

They started to walk away out towards the plane because their plane was about to leave.

"Yo Andy" I shouted at him

"Thanks to you Raven still can't walk properly" I said sending him a wink and everyone else bursting into fits of laughter , except from Raven who was giving me a playful scowl.

"What?" I said trying to act innocent

"You know it's true" I laughed pulling her into a big hug

"You look like shit by the way"

"Thanks , Kasie you know how to make me feel better about myself"

"No problem babes ,it's what I'm here for"

"Really because i thought you were here to support me seeing as my boyfriend is going back to America for half a year" Her words oozing with sarcasm.

"Well that to but mainly to let you know that you look like shit , i told you not to wear makeup today , but no you wouldn't listen , it was kind of like that time when we were in year 9 and all the pavements had iced over and i told you not to walk on a certain bit of the pavement but you didn't listen did you and what ended up happening?" I asked her an amused smile on my face.

"I fell on my arse"

"What? I can't hear you"

"I FELL ON MY GOD DAMN ARSE!!!!" She screamed at me , right then i fell to the floor laughing like a mad woman on drugs. Everyone had turned to look at me, including the boys who all had confused looks on their faces.

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