Perfect Weapon

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As we drank our Starbucks and chatted, Dan thought it would be a good idea if we all went to the cinema to watch a horror , we all agreed and looked what films were playing today , we all agreed we would watch woman in black , everyone had been bragging about how scary and creepy it was and once you had watched it her face would pop up in you dream everynight and turn them into nightmares,

We all wanted to see if this was true ,as we walked into the cinema , me and Raven asked for four tickets to see woman in black ,while Dan and Andy went and got two big buckets of popcorn and two large mixed slush puppies to share.

As we took our seats in the cinema i was sat inbetween Dan and Andy,Raven was sat next to Andy , The film began at first i was OK, but then everyone started to tense up as the plot unraveled , Dan had some how put the slush puppy and the large bucket of popcorn on the floor and slowly had his hand working its way Into mine.

Dans Pov

I wasn't scared...... well not that much anyway, but i could see Kasie was a little so i thought that i would comfort her by holding her hand and then if she got really scared she could squeeze it and then if she got really really scared i could put my arm around her but that was up to her, i know she likes me because of what she had said about me in HMV when i was behind her.

Ravens POV ,

WHAT THE HELL!!! , i've been sat her for over 45 minutes and been hinting to Andy that I'm scared,  all he has done is say its OK don't worry its nearly over anyway , seriously does he not know that by me saying that I'm actually saying put your arm around me you sexy bastard , OBVIOUSLY NOT!!!.

Andy POV

"WOW" this movie is really good, but Ravens getting a little scared i don't know why she is such a child,?.  But she does have that really cute smile that i love , all girls have to have a nice smile and she is one of those girls, and Danny boy is getting in there, five minutes ago he was holding Kasie's hand now he has his arm around her , He dosen't mess around . I wish i was more like that , i know i come off all confident but really I'm actually quite shy , i wouldn't mind putting my arm around Raven but the films nearly over so i don't really see the point.

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