In the end

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Three Months later

Raven's P.O.V (Six months Pregnant)

"Ugh god i feel like an obese whale , actually fuck that i feel like two obese whales and then some" I groaned as i held my stomach , the babies are kicking like little ninja's , i don't think that they would appreciate me kicking them in the middle of the night when they are trying to get to sleep would they?.... nope so why do they think that it is acceptable to kick me every few minutes?.

"Well baby you look absolutely gorgeous" Andy complimented me

I shot my head to his direction , "Don't test me boy ,or i will pop a cap in your ass faster that you can say hole in the god damn wall , got it?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Woah calm down babe I mean it, you look beautiful " He said putting his hands up in surrender

"I'm sorry love , I'm just really fed up do you know what size clothes I'm wearing now?" I asked Andy

"Nope , what size baby?" He said quietly placing his arms around my neck so that they were resting on my shoulders.

"A size 18 I've gone up 5 sizes , i swear these babies are going be chubby little buggers and the pains are getting worse , they are kicking constantly" I whined

" I know that it's hard on you but just think how happy Kasie will be up there , she is watching you right now probably wetting herself laughing at how you are ranting on like it is the end of the world because you've gone up a few dress sizes" Andy chuckled.

"OH MY GOD ,  you don't get it do you, going up 5 dress sizes in four moths is horrendous  i feel and look like a waddling fat blob from doctor who , except that they are cute whereas i look like fucking scary Mary the second about to attack a chocolate cake like the one on Matilda that the fat kid had to eat, my back is hurting because my boob's have suddenly decided they wanted to be the size of melons and to top it all off i have to wear granny knickers , fucking granny knickers Andy , do you know who ugly i feel right now? , none of my frenchies or thongs fit me anymore" I screamed at him.

"Woah Raven calm down ok , i like that your boobs have gotten bigger ok because i have something extra to grab on to and look at , i don't care that your wearing granny knickers because one i never see you naked anymore so it dosen't matter , and two you could wear a oversized giants sock and still look hot as hell  and overly bangable, i don't think that you get the fact that i don't care if you don't look perfect everyday , i like how you just slob around in nothing but my big shirts sometimes, i love how you let rip and blame it on the person that's nearest to you and act like you haven't just caused an earthquake and killed a few animals in the process , so basically what I'm trying to say is that i love everything about you , everything you are and everything that you have made me , i love you so much Raven"

I could feel the tears starting to rim my tired eyes.

"Oh Andy i love you so much , I'm sorry that i have been such a hormonal horrible bitch to you these past couple of months" I threw my hands around his neck and pulled him as close to me as i could ,  which wasn't very close because of the huge baby bump that i am sporting and will still be sporting for around the next three months. whooooh , party time I'm gonna be this fat for the next three moths.

"It's ok Raven , i actually think that it is quite sexy , especially when you waddle towards me with a spatula in your hand trying to swat me" He laughed

"Don't start Andy" I warned him

"Oh and hot damn the massive boner i get when you have to bum shuffle out of bed and roll on to the floor because you can't sit up properly and climb out of the bed"

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