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"W-what" I stuttered

"I'm dying Raven , I'm fucking dying" Kasie sobbed hysterically

"No you can't be your too young to die your only 18 , you can't die not yet" I felt my own tears start to fall

"But i am Raven , there's nothing the doctors can do ,it's too late"

"No it's not we will go to the hospital and tell the doctors that they have to help you , they need to help you Kasie" I rushed

"It's too late , they caught it too late"

"Kasie , why are you dying?" I sobbed softy in to her ear

"I have cancer" She said weakly

"What kind?"

"Pancreatic cancer"

"But all cancer can be treated right? , my auntie had cancer and they were able to save her" I explained.

"But they can't treat mine Raven , they didn't catch it early enough" She started to sobbed loudly again.

How could this be happening?, my best friend is dying she's only 18 why is god doing this , fuck god if he really was the man that people say he is then he wouldn't be taking Kasie away from me . from anyone she has no reason to die she has her whole life ahead of her.

"Y-your d-d-dying" Dan whimpered

We turned to face him , i saw Kasie nod her head , telling him the answer

"Y-you can't though" He ran over to her pulling her in to one of the biggest hugs i have ever seen

"But i am" She finally said.

"Are you sure?" Dan asked dumbly


I got up and walked over to where she was now stood , i took a long hard look at her and noticed that she had lost weight and looked paler than she used to , i guess because of what was going on with me and Andy i never really took any notice of what was going on with Kasie ,come to think of it i have kind of been pushing Kasie to the side , i don't think i have asked her in about a month how she has been or if she was ok , i have just been moping about Andy and thinking that i am so hard done by when actually it has been Kasie who has been suffering ,yet she has not once complained or shown one sign of dying.

"Kasie why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked her

"Because , then it would of meant everyone would of treated me differently and it would of meant that i would have to live with the reality that I'm dying and i don't want to live with that Raven , i don't want to die , i don't want to die not yet , i really don't" Her words became unrecognisable as she choked on her tears.

"How long have you known?"

"Two months" She whispered

"Kasie you should of told me"

"I know , but what good would that of done , you would of just worried you wouldn't of lived your life like you did, you would of been too worried about me and how i was doing"

"Do you think that i really care , you are my best friend and i love you more than anyone on this mother fucking planet ok , you have been with me through thick and thin , we know everything there is to know about each other , even my mum and dad don't know half the stuff you do. Kasie when people ask me how we know each other i Say that we are sisters and that we have the strongest bond anyone can have , that no matter what, our bond is unbreakable" My voice was coming out all raggedy as the tears kept falling.

Bite My Tongue BVB and YMAS fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu