Love isn't always fair

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One Moth Later

Kasie's P.O.V

"HARDER DAN HARDER!!" I screamed at Dan , sweat dripping from my body

"IF I DO IT ANY FUCKING HARDER KASIE THEN IT WILL FUCKING BREAK , IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT ?" He screamed back at me, sweat also dripping from his body.


"FINE WE'LL STOP FOR A WHILE" He huffed as he walked away from me and sat down on the floor of my bedroom.

"I knew i should of called Ashley instead of you" I teased Dan bumping my shoulder with his , i still felt the tiny electrical shocks shoot through my body whenever i touched him.

"Is that so" He said with an evil smirk plastered on his amazingly handsome face

"Yeah" I said smiling , but slowly moving myself further away from Dan.

We had been working on building and moving my wardrobe into place for well over an hour and fuck me we were both sweating like mother fucking bath taps.That's why i was screaming at him to go harder because he was being weak and was't trying to move the wardrobe in place. I bet all you dirty minded people thought we were getting our humpty hump on didn't ya? , you all disgust me (Joking , who wouldn't wanna get their humpty hump on with Dan Flint? Because i sure as hell wouldn't mind !!!!)

Me ,Dan and Ashley had sorted the whole thing out as you can see i haven't moved away , making a big dramatic exit , we actually sat down and talked about it like the mature adults we are.......haha not really , there was shouting , clothes flying everywhere , naked bodies , sweat , screaming , panting oh no wait that was my Xrated dream that i shall never share with another human being other than myself until the day i die.

I had told them that i was confused and upset , i know that it was hard for them to stay mad at me ,but i also knew it was even harder for them to forgive me , i can still see the slight tinge of hurt that remains in their eyes everytime they look at me.

Raven had been a great bestfriend , she had been the one who had wiped away my snot and tears , yes that is true friendship , we had got to the snot wiping stage , and in all honesty i would do the exact same for Raven because i love that girl more than i love lollies and let me tell you my love for lollies is huge. Raven said it's just because i like to suck on things and i couldn't really disagree with her there because normally i have something in my mouth whether it's chewing gum , a pen lid , a lolly , or some sort of plastic object.

Right now i was sat watching Dan as he crawled over to me the biggest grin on his face i had ever seen , he seriously looked like an over excited pedo on the prowl , no joke he was actually begining to scare me a little , i backed up a little more until i couldn't anymore , stupid asshole of a wall . when the fuck did it get that close.

"I will get you back wall , that i promise" I mumbled under my breath , i hadn't even noticed that Dan was now right infront of me , i could feel his warm minty breath on the bare skin of my neck , his bright blue eyes were boaring in to mine , not once leaving them.

"errrmmm Dan" I asked sounding a little shaky

"Yeah" He answered back quickly

"A little to close for comfort" I said trying not to sound mean

"Oh yeah sorry!" He said quickly moving away from me sitting Indian style across form me

I know what you maybe thinking , why did i act like that towards him well the thing is that the three of us (Me , Dan and Ashley) said that nothing else could happen for them to remain friends and that i would never get romantically involved with either one of them again , which i agreed to instantly , as i didn't want to be the bitch that broke up a great friendship and broke one of their hearts.

But it was harder than i thought that it would be , right now i wanted to rip Dan's clothes off and tell him to take me..... HARD!!!!

But i couldn't do that , i had to stick to what i said but there was nothing to say that i couldn't kiss my friend was there? Nope, that's what i thought bitches so go suck my ginormous invisible cock muwahhhhhhh!

I leaned in closer to Dan placing my lips on to his , instantly the sparks were flying , i am surprised some poor mother fucker hasn't got killed by them yet , they are flying every where , they are so uncontrollable just like someone bulge that was getting bigger by the second .Uh oh

Dan pulled me closer , so we were led on the floor he quickly flipped us over so that he was on top kissing me passionately ,down my neck , i couldn't let this happen because i know how it will end up me and Dan get carried away do what we swore we wouldn't , we regret it straight after feeling the guilt eat us alive , knowing that we would have to tell Ashley meaning the end of the friendship, and i couldn't do that.

Come on Kasie , control you wild raging hormones you don't need Dan's penis for sex , that's why Ann Summer's was invented so women could pleasure themselves. Fuck who was i kidding , i had only once been in Ann Summers and had no intentions ever going back , lets just say the manger dosen't like it when two 18 year old girls go in hyped up on energy drinks and Sugar loaded sweets and start have a Dildo fight whilst wearing , some sort of sex mask on their faces in the middle of the shop , while the manger is asking them to leave they go all ninja on his arse and start chucking all the wobbly dildos they can see at him then running out of the shop shouting "ATTACK OF THE DILDO'S" and laughing like drugged up maniacs I pushed Dan away from me , a look of hurt washed over his face , but was quickly replaced with the realization of what i had just done and why

"Shit!" He said under his breath

"Yeah i know , but atleast we didn't do anything else" I told him trying to lighten the mood a little and make the situation seem a little better.

"Yeah , but i want to so bad Kasie , and it's not just because i'm a lad , i really feel something for you" I can hear the pain in his voice , knowing that we can never really be together , why the hell is my life so fucked up?

Dan get's off of me reaching his hand down , to help me up i loved how he could be such a gentleman at times.

"Dan , i really want to be with you to but i guess were just not meat to be , this is all my fault , i shouldn't of been such a slag and shagged Ashley" I said feeling ashamed of myself

"Kasie it wasn't your fault ok it was mine" He said rubbing my forearm

I looked at him confused how was it his fault was he stupid?, well i guess he was if he got involved with me!!. I guess when he went through that stage where he dyed his hair blonde it killed a few brain cells in the process.

"How is it your fault?" I asked him still sounding confused

"Because , i went out and said i was dating that skanky hoe , when i should of really been dating you"

I walked over to him , laying my head on his chest , he wrapped his tanned muscly , tattooed arms around me , swaying us slightly from side to side , kissing the top of my head every now and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Oh how i wish we could just stay like this for ever , what i wouldn't give to just have a perfect life for a day , where nothing bad happened and luck was on my side just for once in my messed up worthless life.

"I love you Kasie , i always have and always will , you need to remember that ok" Dan purred huskily in to my ear , while still holding on to me tightly , acting as if this was the last time we were ever going to see each other. Then a thought accured to me , i pushed myself off Dan a little so that i could look at his face.

"Dan your not leaving are you?" I asked sounding a little scared of what the answer would be.

"What no , of course not" He said , i felt my whole body relax and just fall back in to his arms , somewhere i could stay for ever i felt so safe , so protected , Dan was basically like my human condom , he stopped my from getting hurt or ill , he protected me from the viruses which in this case was skanky big headed boys , with small dicks and bitchy girls saying that i wasn't good enough for him.

"Kasie , we will get through this we will be together you just have to understand that love isn't always fair" He whispered to me..

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