Wretched and Divine

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"It's negative" I sighed a sigh of relief ,just like Raven.

"Are you sure Kasie?"

"Positive" I told her

"But you just told me that it's negative , what the fuck kasie?"

"Calm down Raven it is negative ,i was just saying that I'm positive that the test says negative and that you are NOT pregnant".

"Kasie ,I'm sorry i was just so worried that i was pregnant and that Andy wouldn't want me anymore because having a child would mess up his life , like he wouldn't really able to tour anymore because he would want to see the child grow up if he did decide to stay with me , but then if he di-" Raven gabbled on.

"Right Raven you listen to me, Andy would never and i mean never leave you if you ever got pregnant so you can get thought right out of your head now , do you understand?" I said sternly

Raven nodded her head

"And another thing , Andy would choose you over the band anyday ,just like the other boys would choose their girlfriends and family over the band ok , your one of the most important things to Andy ok , he even told me that he would never be able to love someone else if you ever left him"

I saw a tear slip from her eyes , i pulled her to me wrapping her in a tight embrace.

"Thank you" She whimpered

"You have nothing to thank me for Raven , I'm your friend , comforting is one of the rules in the friendship handbook and you know me i never break the rules when it comes to friendship" I laughed at the end of the sentence along with Raven.

"Do you still have the friendship handbook Kasie?" Raven asked me looking hopeful

"You bet i do ,i told you I'm never ever getting rid of it , that has all of our most embarrassing moments in , our saddest memories ,it has our life together in there Raven , mine and your friendship is something that i want to remember forever ,i don't know what i would of done if you weren't around. I'm really gonna have to thank your mum and dad one day for not wearing protection and getting frisky" I told her every word filled with honesty.

"Ewwww , Kasie really ,couldn't you of  just of left my mum and dad getting frisky out of this please it's not a thought i want in my head" Raven mumbled disgusted.

"Nope , Raven it was because of your mum and dad getting frisky , that your here today"

"Your so gross sometimes , do you have the handbook with you?"

"Yeah ,come on we'll go look at it together ,i haven't looked at it in about two years , which is gonna make it so much better when we look at it together" I told her truthfully. She showed me a toothy grin and ran to the bedroom i was about to follow her when i remembered about the pregnancy tests.

"Shit" I whispered , turning around and picking them up along with the boxes and taking them to the bedroom to dispose of them , so that there is no evidence what so ever that Raven thought she was pregnant.

"Pass us that bin here"

Raven picked up the bin holding it out for me to put the used pregnancy tests in. I quickly dropped them in while crouching on to the floor , rummaging under the bed looking for the Friendship handbook , after about 5 minutes of me searching like a fool i found it in one of the blue boxes , i took it out while shimming back out from under the bed and plopping myself down on top of it.

"Oh my god"  Raven said covering her mouth with her hand ,i could see her eyes tearing up.

I shuffled closer to her placing the book between us , the front read Raven and Kasie's , friendship handbook , keep out or we will personally break and burn  every mother fucking bone in you god damn body. I will admit we were violent children , we had started the book when we were 8 and could actually right a little , the front had started out by saying Raven and Kasie's friendship handbook , keep out or we will tell our mummies.

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