Little Bit Of Truth

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"What colour do you want Kasie?" Raven asked me

"Pink , Black and Silver"

"I said A COLOUR"

"yeah and i said , PINK , BLACK AND SILVER"

"Your so annoying Kaise" Raven laughed

"Yeah but you love me for it"

"Yeah i do , so get your booty over here so i can paint your nails

"Ok chill your beans woman"

I walked over to the bed and placing myself in the middle of it leaning against the wall , putting my hand on the little box that Raven had put there so she didn't get nail varnish on the bed sheets.

"Raven are you ok?" She looked sad and i knew there was something she wasn't telling me

"Yeah I'm fine , i promise"

"Don't lie to me Raven  , i know when there is something wrong with you"

"Kasie it's nothing honestly" Raven said trying to convince me

"Raven , don't lie to me ok whatever it is i can help"

I grabbed her shoulders in a comforting way , while a tear fell from her eyes.

"I-i t-thi-nk I'm p-p-pregnant" She stuttered out


"I think I'm pregnant" She said again

"You think , or you know?"

"I'm not sure , i have to do a test"

"Right ,come on were going to the chemist and were gonna get the tests"

"What now?"

"Yes now"

I grabbed Ravens arm pulling her off the bed and out of the door , down the stairs.

"Boys, me and Raven are going out for a bit , see you in a few" I said to them poking my head round the door.

The chemist was only a five minute walk from the house so we set off down the street.

"Kasie , what am i going to do if i am pregnant?"

I grabbed her hand putting it in mine, " Listen to me Raven , what ever you decide to do i will stick by your side no matter what just like Andy will , if you are pregnant Andy will be back in England for the last 3 months of your pregnancy and i know that he loves you"

"I know he does , and thank you so much Kasie ,i honestly don't know what i would do without you"

"Crash and burn bitch , crash and burn" I laughed

We reached the chemist and walked in looking down the isles for the pregnancy tests, when we reached the second isle i saw the pregnancy tests at the bottom , i sprinted towards them.

"Fuck me they have well loads of different ones and have you seen the prices of some of them aswell look at this one it's 15 quid , their having a giggle if they think that we are getting that one"

"Ok Kasie ,chill we will get the cheapest ones don't worry" Raven exclaimed

"I'm not worrying , just stating the fact that these PREGNANCY TESTS ARE HIGHLY OVER PRICE JUST FOR A FRICKING STICK THAT WE PISS ON AND THEN THROW AWAY!!!" I yelled a little louder so the woman behind the counter could hear me and i knew that she was giving me dirty looks.

We grabbed 3 tests which cost 2 pound each , we grabbed them and shot daggers at the slutty girl behind the counter.

We marched out of the shop our heads held high and plodded along the pavement back to Dan's house heading back up the stairs bolting into the bathroom.

"Get out then" Raven said looking a bit disgusted that i was in the bathroom with her.

"Like hell bitch , I'm not gonna watch if that's what your worried about"

"Good so turn around"

I turned around facing the door , i could hear Raven having a piss,it was gross ,that was one thing i really hated was people hearing me piss and me hearing other people piss , but Raven is my best friend so imma be a strong soldier.

"Just make sure you don't piss on your hands , coz that is gross" I said to her

"Don't worry I'm not"

After she had peed on all 3 sticks she washed her hands... thank god setting all of the tests on the windowsill.

"I will survive" I belted out scaring a Raven a little

"What the fuck Kasie , you nearly gave me a heart attack" She squealed placing her hand over her heart.

"Well at least if you had died, you would of died listening to my amazing voice" i smiled at her knocking my shoulder with hers.

"Kasie,I'm scared" She whimpered

"So am i but you know that i will always be here for you right?"

"Yeah thank you so much Kasie ,i love you"

"I love you to Raven"

I wrapped her shaking body in my arms comforting her while she sobbed , i never knew the possibility of being pregnant would upset her so much . I honesty thought that she wanted children , but i guess it's because we are only 18 and still have the rest of out lives to live.

"Hey listen if you are pregnant , you still gonna come to my 21st right?" I questioned her

"Whats happening on you 21st?"

"Honestly Raven you have the memory of a freaking goldfish , were going abroad , gonna party till we can't no more bitch" I yelled jumping up and dancing round the room looking like a tit.

"If you dance like that , no one is gonna come near you"

"Do i look like i bothered?"

"Not really no" She answered

"Well then , there is you answer"

"How long has it been Kasie?"

"2 minutes 1 left to go "

"I'm shitting myself"

"Raven there's a fucking toilet there you dirty bitch"

"Hahaha ,so funny arn't you Kasie , i was being sarcastic"

"Leave the sarcasm to me Raven ,and yes i am funny thank you for finally noticing" I smiled proudly taking a small bow.

Raven picked up one of the toilet rolls and threw it at me, but because of my amazing kick ass ninja skills i dodged it.

"Raven , it's time to check" I told her ,i was shaking aswell

I walked over to the tests gathering all three up in my hand , not daring to look at them, I placed them down on the floor and sat opposite Raven ,who was sobbing quietly , i took hold of her hand reassuring her everything is going to be fine.

"You Ready?" I asked her , she nodded her head and wiped away the falling tears.

I picked up the first test.

"Positive" I read out loud , I could feel Ravens grip on my hand tighten.

Picking up the second one i looked at it confused.

"It says negative"

Raven gave me a confused look aswell , but i could see that she wanted me to pick up the last one and confirm , if she did or did not have a little baby soon to be growing inside of her.

I picked up the last test studying the result of what it was showing.


(comment and please ,tell me what you think about it xx)

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