Heaven's Calling

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"I'm sorry Kasie but... were gonna have to get Dan to open his wallet for once because we have baby shit to buy"

I froze on the spot along with the boys.

"Wait.. what? are you saying that your pregnant?" I asked quietly

"That's exactly what I'm saying girl" Raven sassed me

"OMG. DAN WERE HAVING A MOTHER FRICKING BABY" I squealed grabbing on to his arm.

He picked me up and spun me around the room , kissing me all over my face.

"Come on we have to go tell everyone" Raven chirped

"WAIT!" I said grabbing on to her arm holding her back from sprinting down the stairs and telling the whole world that she is now pregnant with mine and Dan's baby.

"What?" She asked confused

"I don't want alot of people knowing , only the one's that need to know , so just close friends and family ok"

"Yeah sure" Raven agreed pulling me in to a hug.

A few hours had passed and me and Dan were curled up in bed , we had told all of the boys ,including Raven's brother , her mum and her dad.Along with my mum and dad and my little sisters.

Dan had told his sister and his mum. They all congratulated us i think Dan was just proud that he had proved Josh wrong , because Josh had said that Dan was not man enough to actually produce good working sperm.

"Your going to make a great dad" I cooed

"Well i learnt from the best" He said squeezing my side, i knew that he was referring to his father and the way that he had raised him , to be a real man and never leave a woman who had his child to fend for herself and their baby.

"Yes you did , i really wish i could of met your dad , he sounds like an amazing person"

"He was Kasie , he really was" He whispered

"I'm sorry Dan"

"What are you sorry for?"

"Dying" I sighed

"Kasie it's not your fault , you didn't ask to get cancer"

"I know but i haven't done half the things that i wanted to that were on my bucket list"

"And what was on your bucket list?"

"Well if you go under the bed and in a little pink box you will find the list because i can't remember half of them , all i know is that most of them are not completed"

Dan slipped off the bed , i looked at him he had his butt sticking up in the air as he shimmed under the bed. After about 2 minutes he came back up and jumped on the bed unfolding the list ,he cleared his throat before reading the things that i had not done yet.

"Spit in Mr Harolds drink" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow

"What that mother fucker deserves it ,it's not my fault that there was water on the floor and his slipped splitting his pant" I laughed remembering that it was my fault i had poured the whole contents of my water bottle on the floor waiting patiently for the unsuspecting Mr Harolds to walk in and slip and let me tell you  i was on the floor rolling around wetting myself laughing , along with the rest of the class while Mr Harolds glared at me. He ended up giving three weeks worth of detentions,

Dan gave me a unconvinced look and carried on reading

"Tell Kelly Micheal's that she is one hell of a slag"

Bite My Tongue BVB and YMAS fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu