Liquid confidence

86 0 2

Raven's P.O.V

"Fuck sake" Andy said through gritted teeth

"It's ok Andy i'll go see who it is and see of i can get rid of them"  I said to him gently pushing him from on top of me.

I looked around the room spotting one of Andy's tops , i quickly chucked it on along with a pair of grey joggers. I jogged out of the room and down the stairs until was at the front door , i opened it slightly so that i could see who was stood there and had interrupted mine and Andy's little sex session.

When i saw who was standing on the other side of the door i slammed it shut , why the hell is he here? i haven't seen him in over a year.

I heard another knock on the door and knew that he was still there and wasn't going to go until i had spoke to him. Slowly i opened the door again and shot him the most deathly glare i could.

"What the hell do you want Seb?!!"

"Nice to see you to Raven , looking as sexy as ever i must say" He said with one of his smirks

"Seriously what do you want?!" I snarled

"Well i heard that you were in the area and thought i would pop by and say hello"

As he was saying this i felt Andy's arms snake around my waist and hug me tight against his body , clearly telling Seb i was off limits.

"Hey , you look like that prick of a singer in that band what Raven loves" Seb directed at Andy

"Are the band called Black Veil Brides by any chance?" Andy asked curiously

"Yeah that's the name , so you've heard of them"

"Yeah i do , considering that i am the prick of a singer as you so kindly put it" Andy shot back

"Oh , sorry man" Seb said , acting like nothing had gone on

I stood there a little awkward , while Andy and Seb shot daggers at each other.

"Seb what are you actually doing here , i know that it's not just to say hello" I huffed

"I heard that you had a new boyfriend and everything , so i wanted to see if he was any better than me and i know that i don't have to worry"

"Seb , a fucking rattle snakes arse is better than you , so why don't you just fuck off and leave me alone" I raised my voice hoping that Seb would get the message that i wanted him to leave.

Well he obviously didn't get the message because he was still stood there like the gorm he is , just staring at me and Andy.

"Have you just had sex?" Seb suddenly blurted out

"NO!!" I said  little to quickly

"You can't lie to me Raven , you've just had sex haven't you?"

No we were about to have sex , but then you came with your scrawny little arse to our door and interrupted us!" Andy was angry , and if i didn't get him away from Seb soon then shit is gonna get serous..

"Sorry to  be a cock block" Seb laughed "Not" He whispered under his breath not thinking that i heard it.

"Seb just go" I said fed up

"I'm sorry but i can't now under the circumstances" He casually leaned against the door frame.

"What circumstance? , what are you going on about?" I yelled starting to get annoyed with him

"Well when i leave your probably going to get back to having sex , and i need to make sure that you are using protection"

"If you don't leave now your the only one who's gonna be using  protection , and it won't be from STD's" Andy threatened

Bite My Tongue BVB and YMAS fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin