We Stitch These Wounds

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"Yeah and i got asked to be the new prime minster" I laughed dryly

Of all of the excuses they could have thought of they come up with the one when poor little Andy gets raped that's just sick and pathetic.

"Raven I'm serious he got his drink spiked she took advantage of him when he was unconscious ,he loves you" Sammie spoke in a stern but pleading tone.

"I don't believe you , i will never be able to trust him"

"Raven why the hell would we lie about Andy getting raped you know how i feel about it , even the word rape makes me feel sick , I've seen what it does to people" She said , sniffing a little at the end i could tell she was trying hard to keep the tears back that were to forcing themselves out of her eyes.

"Well there is only one option left" I said sounding fed up, angry , hurt and confused.

"What that?" Sammie asked

One week Later

"Hello and welcome to the Jeremy Kyle show , Today we have Raven who is convinced that her boyfriend Andy cheated on her on his own free will and not while he was unconscious because his drink was spiked"

"Ladies and Gentleman please welcome on Raven" I heard Jeremy say ,yes this was the final option , it was the only thing i could think of. What else was i supposed to do i didn't believe that Andy was unconscious i believed that he knew exactly what he was doing but he was drunk he made a mistake but i don't think that i could ever love him the same or trust him as much if it turns out he was lying.

I walked on to the stage my head held high the audience clapped and cheered i looked out towards them offering a small weak smile , it was all i could manage i had no energy left in me , i felt physically drained i hadn't eaten properly , nor had i slept properly , for a whole week the only thing that had been on my mind was Andy and if it was true , was he really raped?. I mean Sammie wouldn't joke about something that serious would she ?.

I met Jeremy half way on the stage he held out his hand which i took in mind shaking it a little before sitting comfortably on one of the chairs. I could feel the little mic pack that i had to wear digging in to my back , i moved a little bit so that it would shift in to a more comfortable place when it did i focused all my attention on Jeremy , who was sat to my right.

"So i understand that you are doubting your boyfriend Andy is that true?" He asked me

"Yes it is" I said , i could feel the lump in my throat grow.

"Please could you explain it to us in more detail"

"Well the thing is as you may know Andy is in a band and last month they had to go touring for six months which broke my heart because i love Andy and i didn't want him to leave ,i wanted him to stay in England with me but i knew i couldn't be selfish i couldn't keep him from his fans so i said that i would be alright with him going on tour for half a year. We Skyped every night and talked on the phone for ages and after about a month on tour i look at twitter to see that i have been tagged in about 5 or so pictures by this girl that i have never heard of. The pictures were of her and Andy.... Naked , snuggled up together , it looked as though he had taken the pictures therefore making me think that Andy had willing cheated on me with her , i was so angry and then i got a call off Sammie she is Jinxx's wife and Jinxx is a member of the band saying that Andy had basically got his drink spiked by this girl wanting to crush me, resulting in him falling unconscious and getting raped by this girl" I told him making sure that i had added all the information i knew in to it.

"Wow well someone has been a busy boy , So how sure are you that Andy will pass this lie detector?"

"50 ,50"

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