Mysterious Boy

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"Song Jihyo!" I heard my mother shouting from downstairs.

The first day of school came and dreaded it since it's a new school and knew nobody. We moved from a different town and was in the process of settling in with moving boxes everywhere in the house.

I got up to fix the bed and wash my face, doing my daily routine before packing up and preparing for school.

"Hurry up, or you'll be late for school" my mother called again.

I quickly ran down the stairs while putting socks on, risking my self of falling down just to not get scolded for being late. I took a deep breath in before entering the kitchen and saw my father at the table reading the newspaper while my mother ate beside him.

I sat beside my father and started adding eggs, sausages and beans onto my plate and suddenly he put his paper down to look at me.

"We'll leave in fifteen minutes" he told me.

"Yes father"

I looked up at the clock then at all of the food I put on my plate. 'Easy', I thought. I started gobbling it up as fast as I could, gaining me a disgusted reaction from my parents.

My mother's jaw dropped at the sight of me eating. She pointed her chopsticks at me and said "you're going to get an indigestion".

"Dear, our little piggy is back" my father told my mother, laughing while I stuffed my mouth with food.

"Sungmoon-ah!!!" my mother shouted this time for my brother.

"If he's late, he can get to school by himself" my father said.

In lightning speed, my brother dashed into the kitchen and sat next to me. He looked half asleep with an obvious bed hair that my mother flatted out for him.

"Sungmoon-ah, it's the first day of school and you don't even look presentable. You were up all night playing games again weren't you?" my mother started scolding him.

He stayed silent, letting our mother speak but continued to munch on his meal, nodding every now and then, pretending to listen but knew her words came in through one ear and it came out through the other.

"Alright, we need to get going" my father announced.

Sungmoon and I quickly put our plates in the sink, said goodbye to our mother before rushing out into the car.

"I call front seat" I told him.

"Noona, you always call front seat. It's my turn"

I got into the front seat before he could and locked the door so he couldn't come in. Through the window, I stuck my tongue out at him, mocking him for being too late to get in the car.

Sungmoon sulked getting in the car, slamming the door behind him and glared at me through the front mirror.

Our father sighed at our petty fight and didn't bother on saying anything else. He just started the engine of the car and drove off.

Our new school was at least a fifteen minute drive but would have taken us at least thirty minutes to walk. Luckily, it was on our father's way to work, meaning we got free rides.

When we reached the place, I marvelled at the sight of the huge school. The entrance was a guarded gate and further in was a big field before reaching the front entrance of the school building.

We bid our father goodbye as he drove off to work and Sungmoon left me, excited to go to class and meet new people. Unlike Sungmoon, I was an introvert and was afraid of not being able to get along with new people.

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