Strange Presence

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Kim Jongkook was back. I stared at the boy seated next to me. He seemed unfazed by what happened to him. His arm was in a cast but that didn't bother him. I wondered how someone could come straight back to school a day after being discharged from the hospital.

"He's completely crazy" I said aloud, not realizing I spoke my mind.

"Are you talking to me?" he questioned.

"Uh... uhm.. no, no"

"I'm the only one you're looking at"

"No I'm not"

I turned to face the other way, hiding my face in embarrassment and scolded myself for getting caught. Luckily, the teacher came in and started the class.

Everyone stood up as we always did to greet our teacher except for Jongkook. I looked at him and signalled for him to stand but he just looked confused, wondering what we were doing.

"I have no time for this" I heard him say under his breath.

Ever since I met Jongkook, I found him weird due to the things he did. I disregarded what he said and pulled at him to get up. He stood up before the teacher caught him but felt his piercing eyes looking in my direction.

I tried to ignore it but I felt like I did something wrong for making him stand up. After greeting the teacher, we finally sat down.

"They do this every day for their teachers?" he whispered to himself.

I understood that he had gotten into an accident and hurt his head but did he really hurt it that bad he forgot how culture worked?

If he didn't remember about greeting our teachers then I wondered what else he had forgotten how to do.

"Song Jihyo" the teacher called me.


"Since your classmate Jongkook was injured, please help him out whenever he can't do things on his own"

Help him?

The teacher was basically telling me to become his nurse and follow him around because he injured himself. I wanted to deny my fate in becoming his body guard but didn't find it in me to stand up for myself and say no to the teacher.

I caught a glimpse of Jongkook looking at me with a more annoyed face. I wanted to tell him I didn't want to do it too but our teacher's gaze were still on the both of us.

"Yes sir" was all I could say to the teacher.

"Great! Now I have to babysit this child" I heard Jongkook sigh.

I had enough of his small comments. Since school started, he had been acting weird and now he was bad mouthing me too.

"What did you say about me?" I confronted him without disturbing anyone else.

"You'll be following me around aren't you?"

"Let's get something straight here. I don't want to do it too and if anyone is babysitting, I'm the one babysitting you"

"Tsk. Typical of children" he scoffed.

He had been acting like he wasn't a child himself. I didn't say anything else because he always had a come back and didn't want to stress myself out because of some ignorant jerk.

"Okay start writing this down" the teacher told us all after he finished talking about the topic for the day.

As ordered, everyone started scribbling on their papers to get the work done. All you could hear was the sound of a pen when it ran through paper. It was the sound anyone who went to school was familiar with and was tired of hearing.

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