Uncanny Resemblance

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"It was nice to have everyone together again" Jaesuk said as we walked to the front door.

We spent the last two hours chatting and I got to know more about the others. It turned out that Kwangsoo had a crush on Somin too before meeting his girlfriend.

He even clashed with Sechan often because of the love triangle they were in and Somin admitted to not liking either of them because she saw them as really good friends, like brothers and didn't want to ruin the friendship she had with them.

"We're still going to the amusement park on Saturday right?" Somin questioned.

"Yeah, Jihyo you should come with us" Jaesuk looked my way.

"Jihyo is coming" Haha decided.

"Yeah we'll collect you and Somin here on Saturday" Kwangsoo informed us.

"Do I not have a say in this?" I wondered aloud.

"Well do you have any other plans?" Kwangsoo asked.

"No.... but.." I said.

"Great then you're coming!" Kwangsoo decided too.

"I guess so" I smiled.

Somin showed us the way out and just as she opened the door, we were greeted by thunder and lightning along with strong pouring rain. We stared at the dull sky in awe, not expecting the weather to be that bad.

"Do you have an umbrella by any chance Somin-ah? We have to walk home" Sechan said.

"Uh... yes, I'll go grab it for you" Somin replied before rushing back in to get it.

"Yah, you said it wouldn't rain today" Seokjin nudged Kwangsoo.

"I'm as surprised as you are hyung" he fired back.

"Song Jihyo!" someone called my name.

Across the street, Jongkook still sat on the sidewalk, shivering and was drenched from the rain.

That crazy guy!

What was he doing when it rained?

These were the kind of questions that formed in my mind as I tried to grasp what he had in mind.

"Is he crazy? Why is he just sitting there?" Haha commented.

Without hesitation, I ran over to him, crossing the street and nearly even getting into an accident myself when a car drove by.

"Yah!" I scolded him.

"Jihyo-ya" he looked up at me.

"You're going to get sick. Stand up!" I shouted.

Jongkook obediently followed and weakly got up from where he sat. As he stood in front of me, he stared deep into my eyes for a good few seconds before his head fell onto my shoulder and I had to catch him in my arms.

"Jongkook-ah! Kim Jongkook!" I called for him.

I tried shaking him to wake up but he wouldn't budge. Fortunately for me, the others were still by Somin's front door, watching the entire time. I called for help and Kwangsoo and Sechan came rushing to my aid.

The two boys grabbed a hold of Jongkook, his arms swung over each of the boys' shoulders as they brought him over to Somin's house.

She kindly offered her home for us to stay in saying since her parents were gone, we could stay longer just until Jongkook woke up but, a part of me knew she didn't hesitate to let us stay because of her crush for Jongkook.

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