Secret Couple

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Test results day.

I didn't know what to expect for my results since Jongkook was the one who really answered it all. I started to tap at the table crazily and felt my finger tapping getting faster and faster.

It was the class before lunch and our teacher, Mr. Jung decided to wait until the end of class to hand back our test papers.

"Yah, what are you doing?" Jongkook whispered to me.

"I'm nervous about our results"

"Well you're in for a surprise"

"That doesn't help"

I didn't know what he meant by that, if he ended up getting all the answers right or none at all. Overall, I would say my ability in math was an average. I never got top marks but I wasn't failing too.

Mr. Jung started handing back our tests ten minutes before class ended and as he walked around, I felt like another panic attack was kicking in.

Jongkook saw how stressed I was. He took my hand away from the table to stop me from tapping my fingers and held onto it tightly under the table as if we were a secret couple in the class.

His tactics worked because it helped me stop tapping my fingers on the table but I also felt like I stopped breathing. I stared blankly at him while he held my hand and used his other hand to support his head on the table.

Once he noticed me looking at him, he furrowed his eyebrows and asked "what?".

I fell silent, unable to speak and just directed my gaze at our hands which he interlocked then looked back at him, asking without using words as to what he was doing.

"Are you still nervous?" he questioned.

After thinking about it for a good few seconds, I realized the nervousness left my body, my heart stopped pounding and my mind felt at ease, not thinking about our results anymore.

"No" I admitted.

"Then it worked"


"I was trying to help you feel at ease"

"By doing this? Do you do this with everybody?"

" I just thought you needed it"

Before I could talk back, the teacher got closer to our table and I quickly pulled my hand away from Jongkook's. I was definitely not going to show Mr. Jung that, which could give him the wrong impression of us.

The impression of a secret love affair in his classroom. It would not look good on us both and Somin definitely would not like it too.

Once he reached our table, I couldn't tell from the teacher's face if he was happy with our results or not but as soon as he placed our papers down, he congratulated us both for acing the hard exam he gave.

"You're both new in the school so I don't know how well you do but seeing these results, it's very good. I made the test hard so be proud of yourselves" Mr. Jung told Jongkook and I.

I hadn't looked at my result yet and was confused as to what he was saying. I acknowledged my lack of brains when it came to numbers too.

When I saw my results, I knew I was done for. The next time we had a test, I knew I would never be able to get the same result again.


Jongkook nearly got everything right on the paper and what was more shocking was that he never studied.

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