Inevitable Future

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I don't know how I ended up by the Han river with the two boys deep in the evening on a school night. Somehow Jaesuk and Haha convinced me to join them for a walk. I never liked walking so I thought of this as a big achievement.

We left the playground around four p.m and it was now nearly six. The sun had completely set and the sky would have been pitch black if it wasn't for the moon and stars that lit up the sky.

We got tired of walking soon enough and decided to rest on the grass near the river. It appeared as if Jaesuk had prepared the trip in advance as he laid out a blanket for us to sit on. Haha and I looked at each other and thought the same thing.

"You just happened to bring a blanket with you, specifically today?" Haha sarcastically questioned Jaesuk.

"Come to think of it, where were you headed earlier? You don't live around that area" I turned to Jaesuk.

"No where in particular and this is Seokjin hyung's blanket. He let me borrow it during the camp and I forgot to give it back today" Jaesuk explained.

After teasing Jaesuk for a good while, we finally settled down on the blanket, our backs laid down indirectly on the grass as we stared up at the dimly lit sky.

Jaesuk pointed out the different star signs that were visible to the naked eye. He was such a geek about them, but it was nice to see the stars especially when you're in the city.

I never knew how much I enjoyed watching the night sky and the twinkling stars. The light breeze added to that enjoyment as I felt the soft, gentle wind touch my skin.

"You guys better not fall asleep on me or I'll leave you both here" Jaesuk commented.

I knew it was because he also started to hear Haha snore and was just in time to wake him up from his light sleep. He jolted up and acted like he wasn't just sleeping right there and then.

"Sleep? Who's asleep?" Haha wondered.

"You!" Jaesuk snapped back.

While they continued to bicker, I continued to stare straight at the sky, reminiscing some of our moments together. I started to think about the future. Our future... if there was one for us.

Was there a reason for me to get jealous over another girl's name he said aloud if our future together wasn't certain. How could a human possibly date a grim reaper in the first place. He would eventually have to leave that body. Even if I could see him in his true form, what good would that do if it didn't feel real.

Maybe we shouldn't have started anything...

"Jihyo, we should go, it's getting late" Jaesuk told me.

"Yeah and this guy has a curfew at 9" Haha laughed.

"Jihyo's a girl and it would be dangerous for her to be out late at night" Jaesuk countered him.

"And you? Are you a girl too?"

"Quit it Donghoon, we'll have to bring her home first anyway and it will be late by the time we get home"

"You don't have to bring me home" I said to them.

"No Jihyo, he's right. We shouldn't let you go home by yourself" Haha replied.

"If you say so" I told him.

After picking up our trash and packing the blanket up again, we started our journey back home. Despite living quite far from me, Jaesuk and Haha kept to their word in bringing me home. I got to say, they were true gentlemen.

"Do you guys have plans for the future yet?" Jaesuk suddenly opened up a topic.

"Hmmm. I like to sing so maybe I should pursue that, right?" Haha answered back with a question.

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