Bickering Friends

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Jongkook had whispered it under his breath without context. I wanted to ask him about it but his brother came barging into the kitchen before I could say anything.

I had been thinking about it the entire time, wondering if it was someone from school but, why would he even say someone's name like that? So soft and endearing, like it was someone who meant a lot to him.

In my mind, I named all of the people in our class but none of their names matched. There was a Yeonsoo but, still I heard it clearly. Hauntingly clear. Sooyeon.

"Did you and Jongkook fight?" a voice questioned.

I told Jongkook I would go home after having lunch at his place but, I found myself wandering around the area until I settled down on one of the swings at the playground. No one was really around since it was a school time and the place looked deserted.

I didn't expect anyone I knew to find me there until I looked up from the ground and saw Haha standing in front of me.

"What makes you say that?" I fired back.

He sighed then took a seat on the swing next to me. He looked troubled himself as he stared into the clear sky, as if he reminisced about a memory.

"Well, you never came back to class and all of a sudden you're here alone in the playground. Doesn't seem to be a coincidence" he continued.

"I wanted to think"

"Are you okay?"

I faced him abruptly and asked without hesitation, "do you know anyone named Sooyeon?".


He thought long and hard about it. His face said it all, his face scrunched up to show he had interest in the topic and that he was willing to give an input.

"Ah! Sooyeon from the other class! Yoon Sooyeon!" he exclaimed.

There really was a Sooyeon??

I felt cheated on despite not knowing the real status between Jongkook and I. He told his brother that we were together but, he could have said it to avoid suspicions as to why we were at his house during school hours.

Even then, how could he easily put someone on the countertop and kiss them? Was he some kind of a flirt maniac? My blood boiled at the thought of it and couldn't help be angry at him.

"Do you know her?" Haha asked.

"Jongkook does"

"Hey speaking of him, don't you find him... different?"

"Different how?"

"Just the way he is... you know. I know you two are close... never mind. Forget it"

I didn't want to entertain his thoughts because it could lead to exposing Jongkook for who he really was. Haha was right, Jongkook was different but I couldn't tell him that.

"I have to get going, I'll see you at school" I rushed to get up from the swings.

I took a few steps away from him and that was all it needed for Haha to finally spill what he really wanted to say.

"I've seen his eyes glow" Haha spoke.

That one sentence made me stop in my tracks. I thought I was the only one who had seen Jongkook do that but, even Haha has.

"Seeing how you reacted, I guess you've seen it too" he added.

"I don't... know what you mean"

"He's not human"

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