Safe Haven

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I entered the library and saw the others still studying and made my way over to them. I sat down beside Haha without saying a word.

I didn't want to tell them about what happened with Sechan. They had known him longer and probably wouldn't believe me anyway if I told them he tried to hurt me.

Someone put their hand on my shoulder and was startled by this. After what happened, I didn't want to be touched again. When I turned, I saw Jongkook stood there.

"Jihyo-ya" he said.

"Unnie are you okay? You look a bit shaken up" Somin worried.

I couldn't say a word. She was right, I was too shaken up to even speak. I looked up at Jongkook, silently asking him for help in which he took it as a queue to speak up on my behalf.

"Maybe I should take her home" he suggested.

"Are you not feeling well unnie?" Somin asked.

I shook my head to say yes, lying to her. It was better that way. Everyone else told me to feel better and said their goodbyes. Jongkook took my bag from me and slung it over his shoulder while also carrying his own bag.

"Shouldn't I be doing that for you?" I questioned him.

"You really want to argue about that now?"

"I mean..."

"Forget it. It's fine, I'll carry it since you're not feeling well"

For some reason I ended up following Jongkook and let him carry my bag instead. Why I allowed him, even I didn't know why.

On our way out, I stopped walking as soon as I saw Sechan enter the library. It felt like I was brought back to the room where he choked me. I was afraid that he would do something again.

Jongkook who walked ahead turned and saw me trembling in fear, my eyes focused on Sechan walking towards us. He took a few steps back to where I was and grabbed my hand.

"Jihyo look at me" he said.

"He..he's right there"

"He won't do anything to you. I won't let him"

I looked up at him, he had a poker face on but his eyes seemed sincere. He was able to save me once and that was enough for me to trust him. He could have run earlier but he decided to risk his own life to get me out of there.

I held onto his hand tightly as we walked past Sechan who tried to say hi to us. I wondered how he could act like nothing happened and suddenly he was back to the Sechan I knew, the polite and happy boy he was.

When I felt myself brush against him, something about it triggered me. My hand moved from holding onto Jongkook's hand to grabbing onto his bicep.

I stuck to him like glue, moving my body as close to his as possible. I looked like a child hiding behind their mom or dad. It didn't seem to bother Jongkook, instead he unclasped my hands from him and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he led us out of the building.

After reaching the entrance of the building, he took his arm off and gave me space. Even if it was all for show to scare Sechan in case he did anything, I felt safe in Jongkook's arms. I didn't have to worry about anything as long as he was by my side.

"Thank you Jongkook-ah" I shyly thanked him, staring at the ground and kicked a small pebble I saw.

"Maybe the teacher telling you to follow me around isn't such a bad idea after all"

"What do you mean?" I gazed up at him.

"I'm just wondering what Sechan's reason was for doing that to you"

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