Realization of Feelings

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'Unnie wanna come over? Everyone really misses you' - Somin.

I laid in bed when Somin messaged and looking at it, I thought long and hard if it was just what I needed for us to go back to normal.

I had distanced myself from them for far too long. Since the whole group was over at her house, I was certain Sechan wouldn't dare to pull out another stunt on me.

I got changed into a much more comfortable attire, wearing jeans, a plain red shirt and sneakers before heading out.

Although she lived in the house right next to mine, the walk over to her place felt longer than it should have been. I was nervous but one good thing I picked up from Jongkook was that I shouldn't let fear consume me and take control instead.

When I reached her front door, I let out a final sigh before ringing the doorbell. To my surprise, Kwangsoo opened the door and saw everyone in the living room.

"Omo Jihyo you're here! Come sit" Jaesuk greeted.

"Ah yeah"

Kwangsoo pushed me towards the living room where everyone gathered on the floor, surrounding the coffee table. I found an empty seat beside Haha while Kwangsoo sat on the other side of me.

"I'm glad you came" Somin said.

"Yeah me too" I smiled.

"Jihyo-ya, were you avoiding us? We haven't hung out in a while" Seokjin bluntly commented.

I saw Jaesuk nudge him on the elbow and mouthed for him to keep quiet while I looked at Sechan's way and his eyes were already on me.

"Not at all. It's just... I was so caught up on studying for the exam" I explained.

"Ey what kind of an excuse is that? You've been hanging out more with Kim Jongkook these days" Kwangsoo chimed in.

"Yah are you two really dating?" Haha chuckled.

"DATING???" I exclaimed.

"A..are you not?" Somin asked.

"Is that what you all think?" I questioned.

"You're always alone with him" Seokjin said.

"Ah that? He.. he was helping me out with the exam.... a study buddy that's all" I explained.

"Ey you don't need to be shy about it Jihyo" Haha teased.

"Ah seriously, we're not" I strongly denied.

"Okay okay, we believe you" Jaesuk said.

While everyone kept teasing me for spending time with Jongkook, I couldn't brush it off my mind that he may not be the person I thought he was.

During those few days I spent time with him, he showed care for me, even going as far as teaching me how to fight to fend for myself.

"The food is ready guys, I'll just bring it out" Somin announced before going into the kitchen.

"I'll go help Somin" I told everyone before excusing myself to the kitchen.

I walked over to the kitchen and said hello to Somin's mother on her way out. Somin's mother was a kind and gentle woman and like Somin, she was always cheerful and smiling.

As I walked in, Somin prepared plates of food to put on a tray, making it easier for her to carry it back to the living room.

"Somin-ah, can I help you?" I asked.

"Sure unnie, can you get the drinks please and the cups are there on the table too"

I started picking up the cups from the table when suddenly Somin asked a question about Sechan and I.

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