I Like You

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"Somin-ah thank you again for letting me share a tent with you" I told her.

After we finished putting up the tent, we organized the inside of it and laid out our sleeping bags as well. Afterwards, we just stayed there to relax not caring about what was going on outside.

"No problem unnie. I want to tell you something by the way" she responded.

"You sound so serious, you're scaring me"

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I just want you to know this"

"Okay, tell me"

"I'm giving up on Kim Jongkook" she blurted out.

"What... what do you mean?"

Somin stood up from where she sat on her sleeping bag and smiled before unzipping the entrance of the tent.

"I don't like him anymore" she said.

"Did something happen? Did he say or do anything to you cause I swear, I'll kill"

"Unnie, its not like that. Please don't say anything to him. I've just... moved on"

"I'll talk to him. I feel like there's more to this you're not telling me"

"There's no need for that, now come on, it looks like they're playing games already" she beckoned for me to come with her.

I followed her out and joined the others at the courtyard where students were playing foot volleyball. It consisted of two teams in which Haha, Sechan and Jongkook were in one team while Seokjin, Jaesuk and Kwangsoo were in another along with our other classmates.

It was pretty obvious on who were winning since the three boys with the giraffe on their team weren't athletic at all. Seokjin was falling over himself, Jaesuk was stumbling all over the place and Kwangsoo just kept getting hit by the ball.

Their other team mates were getting angry at them but they couldn't replace the three boys since no one else wanted to play the game. At the end of the first game, it was no surprise that Jongkook's team won and they swapped out some people to allow others to play as well.

I decided to wander around the area afterwards until I found myself by a lake where it had a bridge you can cross over. It was beautiful as it was getting dark and the fireflies were out, glowing and lighting up the lake area.

"Song Jihyo" I heard a voice call out to me.

I was already halfway on the bridge when I turned around and found Jongkook at the end of the bridge running towards me. When he finally reached me, he panted and tried to catch his breath.

"You didn't have to run" I said and lightly smacked him on the back as he squatted down, still trying catch his breath.

"Where were you even going when the sun is setting?" he questioned as he stood up.

"I was just going for a walk"

"You were straying too far from the camp site"

"Jongkook-ah, I can take care of myself and besides, I'm alone out here. I don't think any spirits are out here lurking"

"I... I just want to stay by your side"

"So you can protect me? You can't know where I am all the time and I appreciate the thought but" I was caught off guard when he suddenly lunged himself at me for a warm embrace.

His arms wrapped tightly around me in a big bear hug. I felt him trembling but I didn't know if it was out of fear or because he was still panting from running.

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