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August 14th, 1986

"Stay here Cassie, I just need to run across the street and get flowers for your aunt," my dad said as he handed me a cup of ice cream.

I sat on the metal chair and ate my ice cream, a huge grin spread across my face. Since my legs were too short to reach the ground, they swung carelessly back and forth.

The bell on the door rang, accompanied by a gust of the warm summer air. I put down my spoon and twisted my torso to get a look at the newcomer.

A blond boy just about my age walked into the parlour alone, his smile going from ear to ear.

After getting his ice cream, the boy sat down across from me and introduced himself.

"Hello," he smiled, "you're pretty."

I felt my cheeks burn, and I tried to dig my face into my shoulder to cover up my blush.

"Thank you," I replied, cheeks still burning red.

"Would you like to get married?" He questioned with serious eyes.

"Sure," I giggled as I picked up my spoon once again.

The two of us talked and ate ice cream for a few minutes. When the bell above the door rang again, the boy's smile dropped. I turned around in my chair to see a tall, older, blond male walking through the entrance.

"Erm," the boy started, his eyes downcast. "I have to go. It was nice meeting you."

"You too," I replied, my smile falling off my face, "goodbye."

June 5th, 1994

I watched the landscape pass by the window of the train as I thought over eighth grade. Horrible would be an understatement.

My best friend, Ryan, and I got into an argument, so I'm all but friendless. I'm literally sitting in this train car alone.

The one thing that stays constant for me is my family, and I'm incredibly grateful for them. I have a sixteen year old brother, Landon, my twin brother, Coltyn, a twelve year old sister, Ayla, and twin baby brothers named Zayn and Gabe.

We're a close-knit family, and they're the only thing keeping me going.

The topography of Massachusetts disappears from the window, and it's replaced by a grey cement wall. Seconds after the window turned grey, the train halted, effectively throwing me off the back of my seat.

I grab my bags and exit the train. Once I got on the platform, I stopped and scanned the faces around me. After a minute or so, I saw my dad and ran into his arms.

"I missed you, Cassie," my dad exclaimed into my hair as I relished in the hug.

"I missed you too," I replied as I pulled back.

Landon, Ayla, and Coltyn eventually made their way over as well, and we went back home.

After saying hello to my mum, I went straight to the twins' nursery to see them. The last time I saw them they were newborns, time flies.

"Hi, Zayn!! I missed you," I cooed as my baby brother looked up at me with huge green eyes.

I picked him up from his crib and looked over at Gabe who was still sleeping. Silently, I slipped out of the room with Zayn and walked downstairs.

"Hi Cass, how was the ride back?" My mom questioned from the living room.

"It was boring as always," I reply while filling up a sippy cup of water for Zayn. She doesn't ask anymore, which I'm grateful for; I hate talking about the friends I don't have.

"We're going out for dinner tonight," my mom mentions as she gets up from the couch. "Be ready to leave by 6."

With that, she walked up the stairs and into her room. I gave Zayn his cup and made my way upstairs to get ready.

Zayn sat on my floor, playing with a set of blocks, while I decided on a blue plaid dress and white sneakers. It was a basic outfit, but that's Massachusetts style for you. I did some natural makeup, put my hair into light curls, and walked downstairs to leave.

The second my foot left the last step, my dad stood up.

"Ok, is everyone ready to go?" He asked with clasped hands. We all nodded, and we were off.

We ate at a nice muggle restaurant on the beach, the breeze and salty air put me in the best mood.

This moment made me realize it was finally summer, and my night couldn't have been better.

Just as we paid for our food, my dad stopped us from getting up. "Before we go, your mom and I have something we need to tell you guys."

I swear to Merlin if they're pregnant again I'm gonna throw myself right into the oc—

"So while you guys were at school we found out your dad has ownership of his great great great grandfather's manor..." My mom started, pulling me out of my thoughts. Merlin's mansion. My dad has ownership of Merlin's fucking manor. "And we're moving to London in three weeks!"

My jaw dropped. Landon and Coltyn both seemed over the moon about this too. Don't get us wrong America is great, but London is so much better.

I take back what I said earlier, this night just got even better.


I woke up on July 1st with excitement coursing through my veins. I ran downstairs, and my dad was waiting with a portkey on the table.

"Your mom, Ayla, and the twins are already at the new house. The vase on the table is your portkey," he explained as he kissed my forehead. "I'll be there as soon as Landon and Coltyn are awake and ready to go."

I nodded while walking towards the portkey. I said a quick goodbye before taking a deep breath and grabbing the vase. My stomach got pulled back, and before I knew it, I was steadying myself on a table at my new home.

"Hey mum," I said with a smile.

"Good morning darling," she replied, "your room is the first on the third floor to the left."

Third floor? Holy shit.

I made my way around the new house, marvelling at the dark interior. The mansion was gorgeous, to say the least.

As I stepped into my room, I immediately started decorating. I put pictures of my siblings and friends around the walls, and I put my clothes into the closet. Finally, after what felt like hours, my room felt like home.

I plopped onto my bed and thought about my new life. First things first, I refuse to let myself have no friends again. That was horrible.

Second, I will stop complaining about every little thing. I used to always say if I could live somewhere else life would be better. My wish was granted, and I'm not ruining it.

"Cassie?" my mom yelled up the stairs, causing me to poke my head out of the bedroom door. "Tomorrow we are going to see some of dad and I's friends from school, so be ready to leave at 11 am."

"Got it" I yelled as I walked back to my room.

I stood in my closet while I tried to pick out an outfit for tomorrow. After 2 mental breakdowns, I decided on an emerald green silk tank top and black ripped jeans.

I was going to meet a bunch of 37 year olds, my looks weren't that important. The downside is I won't be meeting any kids my age. On the upside, I won't be meeting any kids my age.

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