23: thantophobia

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thantophobia: (n.) the phobia of losing someone you love


"Is the whole house down here?" Snape asked as he looked around the group of Slytherins.

We all looked around and nodded our heads, confused as to why the head of house called an emergency meeting. These meetings are rarely ever called, and the fact that it was called at midnight goes to show something is wrong.

Most of us were in comfy clothes, and some of the first years looked like they were still half asleep.

Out of nerves, I clung tightly to Draco's side with my left arm. His right arm was draped over me, rubbing comforting circles on my right shoulder.

One thing I love about him is the fact that he knows my body language. It sucks at times, but it's also a lifesaver at others.

"There's an intruder in the castle," Snape started "we don't know if they are dangerous, so until they are caught, you may not leave the common room and dorms."

Gasps came from a few different people, and a couple of younger students burst out into tears.

"Meals will be sent to your dorms, and classes will be on hold until further notice," the professor continued "the common room door will have wards on it, but no matter what, you may not open it. I'll be back here every night to make sure all is well."

Upon finishing his speech, the head of house turned on his heel and left the common room, his robe swirling as he turned.

I subconsciously moved closer to Draco and chewed on my bottom lip. Intruders in the castle are extremely rare; it's incredibly protected and has numerous wards around it.

By now, a good amount of younger students were crying, and the rest of us were terrified.

I looked over to a group of first years crying together, and my feet carrier me over to them.

The group of ten year olds reminded me of my own friend group, there were two girls and four boys. The girls were in tears while the boys tried to comfort them, but there were tears threatening to escape the boys' eyes as well.

"Hey, it's going to be ok," I attempted to soothe the brunette girl.

"I- It's- I can't sleep knowing- I don't want to sleep while someone dangerous is here," she stuttered out while gasping for air.

"You can sleepover in my dorm until they find the intruder," I suggested with a soft smile.

"Can Ell- Ella come- can she come too," the girl looked up at me with big eyes.

"Yes of course," I replied while turning to face the rest of the teary eyed group "what are your names?"

A blonde girl wiped her tears before pointing out each of her friends "this is Juliana, I'm Ella, this is Levi, Asher, Mason, and Callum."

"Hello, I'm Cassandra," I introduced myself to the group "why don't you guys come meet my friends, and we can do something to get our mind off of everything happening beyond the common room."

And that's how I found myself sitting on the boys' dorm room floor with my five best friends and the mini version of us.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Juliana jumped up with bright eyes, her worries temporarily forgotten "we should do makeovers."

"Noooo," Levi groaned "I'm not getting my makeup done."

"Why don't we play truth or dare," Callum suggested with a smirk.

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