12: redamancy

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redamancy: (n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full


"Bye guys, I'll see you all at the New Year's Eve party," Draco said with a smile as the boys and Daph walked to their parents at the platform.

Once they left, he turned to me with a smile.

"Goodbye love, I'll see you at the party," he said as he grabbed my hips and kissed me "the invitations are supposed to be sent out tonight, if you don't get one, I'll make sure one makes it there. I haven't told my mum about us yet, it's the first thing I'm gonna do when I get home."

"Bye Draco, I'll miss you." I said as he let go of me.

I looked around for a second, and saw Ayla walking off the train with Ginny. I made my way to the two girls, Ginny splitting up to go with her family a few seconds before I got to them.

"Let's find dad," I said pulling Ayla in for a hug. We barely get to see each other at school.

After a few minutes of walking through crowds, we found Landon and Coltyn. Now all we need to do is find our dad.

"Do any of you see him?" Coltyn asked, scanning the crowded platform.

"Nope," I said standing on my toes trying to look over people's heads.

"Ayla come get on my shoulders," Landon said, still looking around.

Ayla scoffed, "no way Landon. Last time I trusted you with that, you dropped me on purpose."

The boys and I laughed at the memory.

"Fine then, Cass come on." I rolled my eyes as Landon grabbed me by the hips and put me on his shoulders.

Since Landon was 6'5, I could easily see over h the crowd now. My eyes scanned the platform for my dad.

"If you drop me I swear-" I was cut off by the sight of my dad laughing at me "oh I see him, that way" I pointed to my dad who was now bent over in a fit of laughter.

Landon put me down, and we all made our way to dad.

"Hey!!" He exclaimed giving us all hugs. "That was an innovative way to find me." He joked.

"All my idea," Landon bragged while jokingly combing back his hair.

"Ya, ya, Let's get home. Mom and the twins are so excited to see you," My dad said with a smile.

When I arrived in the floo, I was immediately greeted by two ten month olds wobbling towards me. Time really does fly; last time I saw them, they were just crawling.

"Hi Zayn! Hi Gabe!" I smiled as I picked up Gabe, Zayn jumping into Landon's arms.

We all spent time catching up in the living room, and I realized how much I missed my family.

Eventually, my mom went to play with the babies while my dad started to make dinner.

Landon, Coltyn, Ayla, and I went to the basement to ACTUALLY catch up.

Landon told us about all his new friends, and how after Christmas break, houses have parties almost every weekend.

Coltyn talked about how he was talking to a girl named Astoria. I stopped for a second when I heard the name.

"Astoria? As in Astoria Greengrass?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Yup" said Coltyn, a proud smile stretched across his face.

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