26: Draco's Flashblack

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tw: heavy mentions of sexual assault and abuse of a minor. feel free to skip to chapter 27 if this is uncomfortable for you.

note: i am not trying to romanticize the actions in this chapter. my messages are open for anyone who needs to talk.

skipping this chapter will not effect you while reading this story, it is simply for readers to better understand the character's backstory. do not feel pressured to read this section.

this section is written in draco's point of view, keep in mind he is aged six. the italics represent his thoughts.

viewer discretion is advised

August 14, 1986
"I have to go. It was nice meeting you" Draco sighed while keeping his gaze anywhere but the pretty girl he met.

"You too," she replied, the smile falling off her face as she said "goodbye."

Lucius Malfoy grabbed Draco's arm and dragged him down the street. He stopped in front of an ally way, and cursed under his breath.

Cursing means he's mad. Keep your eyes on the gravel. Don't say a word unless he speaks to you first.

"Draco," father drawled "go look around the quidditch store. I have to run one more errand."

He pushed his son towards the store before walking into the ally. The smile was plastered back onto Draco's face as he entered the shop.

Immediately, the six year old's attention was pulled to the fire bolts set on display along the left wall. He marveled over a couple different designs before a boy came up to him.

"Hello," the new boy cheered brightly as he observed the brooms.

"My name is Jack. My brother just found out he was a wizard, and the professor that showed up on our door told us I was one too."

"Hello," Draco replied "do you like quidditch?"

Obviously he would. He's in a quidditch store.

"I don't understand it," Jack confessed "could you explain it?"

Draco animatedly explained the game to the boy in the store. At six years old, friendships are created in a matter of minutes. By the time Draco's father was on his way to get Draco, the two young boys were playing around in the mini field that occupied the back of the store.

Lucius took a look at a mother in the store, obviously a muggle. She fumbled with the galleons in her hand, an obvious new form of currency for her. As if that didn't point out enough, she was clad in muggle denim's and a t-shirt rather than wizarding wear.

Infuriated, Lucius stalked up to his son. How dare he play so freely with a mudblood? The older Malfoy tightly gripped his son's arm, and he dragged his heir out of the store.

Eyes down, don't speak, don't walk too slow, don't walk too fast, do not get in his way.

"Malfoy Manor." Lucius declared as he threw the powder into the fireplace.

When the green flames died down, the father-son duo stepped out into their large home.

Before Draco could escape, Lucius' hand met the side of his face. Draco could feel the sting of skin meeting skin, he could feel little pins poking into his cheek, he could feel heat in the shape of a hand print across his face.

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