10: appetence

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appetence: (n.) an eager desire, an instinctive inclination; an attraction or natural bond


"Ok class, since this semester is almost over our time together is also coming to an end. For the last essay, I decided to make it easy. Your assignment is to write a narrative about your favorite childhood memory. The peer review will be Thursday, and all essays will be submitted by the end of class. There will be no class Friday with the exception of people who don't get their essays in on time. Class dismissed" Davies said, the bell ringing seconds later.

The sound sent Malfoy and I RUNNING down to our dorms to get our wands before DADA.

We've gotten detention so much for being late for defense class. They act like it's our fault that we have to go through the entire school to get there.

We sprinted through the halls and up three different sets of stairs.

The bell rang as we turned the corner to the last hall before our class.

"Fuck this," Malfoy said while rolling his eyes. We both stopped running the second we heard the bell ring. Ten seconds or ten minutes late wouldn't make a difference now, our night will be spent in detention.

I leaned against the wall, my face was hot, and my lungs were heaving for air.

I turned to Malfoy to see him breathing heavy with his face flushed as well.

And he still looks good.

Merlin, he could totally just push me up against this wall right now. I would literally get on my kne-

"You're staring," Malfoy pulled me out of my thoughts with a smirk on his face.

"I was not," I rolled my eyes as I pushed off the wall.

"Yesss, you were," he sang out as he grabbed the doorknob to the classroom.

Ever since the party, Malfoy and I have been on better terms. Between classes, detention, and being in the same friend group, our friendship was inevitable.

"Detention's at 9 in the potions lab tonight," Lupin stated not even turning around from the board.

I love Lupin, and I know he doesn't want to give us detention. He knows we try to get to class on time, we walk in everyday out of breath from running. Lupin used to let us be, but one day Dumbledore was in the room and told Lupin we needed to have detention every time we're late.

Of course, if we were Gryffindors we would've been let off the hook; Dumbledore is just hateful towards the Slytherin house. Ever since that day, Malfoy and I have been spending most nights cleaning classrooms, trophy cases, and class equipment.


"Malfoy's asking for you in the common room," Daphne shook me awake.

I looked at the books and parchment surrounding me, I must've fallen asleep.

"What time is it?" I asked stretching my arms.

"9:03" She replied while walking back out of the dorm.

Shit. I ran over to our dresser, and grabbed the shorts and sweatshirt on the top.

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