Who would've guessed? My predictions of a boring summer came true.

Well, halfway.

I spent a lot of time with family, and I'm grateful for them, but there's a point where I can't deal with Coltyn and Landon wrestling me, Ayla begging to go clothes shopping every other night, and the babies crying.

Today is the last day before we start school, and Landon is bringing us to Diagon Alley while our parents stay with Gabe and Zayn.

The four of us are packed into Landon's car, and he won't stop talking about how weird it is to drive on the left side of the road.

We park in a Muggle garage and make our way into the alley. I'm immediately drowning in the feeling of nostalgia; this place hasn't changed one bit since we went on vacation all those years ago.

Our parents make us stay in pairs, they have ever since we were little. Landon and Ayla stay together, and the same with Coltyn and I. We part ways to go get the stuff we need for this year.

After buying everything on the list, Coltyn and I go to the ice cream place to meet up with Ayla and Landon.

Coltyn stops suddenly, making me run into him.

"Holy shit, Cass look at this broom," he whispers in absolute astonishment.

It is a gorgeous broom, and it's new. We lock eyes before rushing into the store.

"Mum's gonna kill us," I looked at Coltyn, but I was too excited to care.

Yes, we have so much money it wouldn't matter, but our parents are big on working towards what we want, being humble, and all that shit. We each bought a broom with our names engraved, and they would arrive at our home in an hour.

"Ok, ok, let's go get ice cream and tell Landon and Ayla, they're gonna be so jealous," Coltyn gushes as we walk out.

Coltyn is such a bitch, but I can't even blame him because I'm the same way. It's not like he's directly rude, but seriously, finding others' jealousy amusing?

We opened the doors, and for the second time that day, a wave of nostalgia splashes over me. I take in the teal and pink interior of the parlour.

We got our ice cream and sat at a metal table by the left window. I hopped into the same teal chair I sat in so many years ago, my legs now touching the ground.

The door swung open a few minutes later, and in walked Ayla and Landon. The latter looked absolutely drained while the former had many more bags than necessary. I eyed her knowingly.

"I couldn't help myself! London has the cutest clothes," Ayla smiled at me. "As if you only bought school stuff."

Coltyn perked up excitedly at her words, "Oh yes! Me and Cass bought the newest brooms."

Landon looked at the two of us before smirking. "Well, looks like there's gonna be three new brooms waiting when we come home then."

We all laughed and I thanked the universe for giving me such a close bond with my siblings.

Landon and Ayla got in line to order ice cream while Coltyn went on about the hot girl he saw while he was buying books. The parlour was getting busier, the door opening every minute or so.

"You're at our table," a masculine voice came from behind me.

I looked up at Coltyn asking him with my eyes if I should even bother turning around.

"Tough, it's occupied," Coltyn bit back with a glare.

"Up. Now." I turned around having enough of this new voice, and I saw a boy looking extremely familiar to the one I met so many years ago.

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