20: ustulation

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ustulation: (n.) a burning lust


"There's a party tonight," Daphne stated as we walked into Hogsmeade. "The theme is 'glitter', it's an odd theme but I think we can make it work."

"Ok well let's go to Arden's to find outfits," I started, linking my arm through hers.

The boys weren't attending our Hogsmeade trip because they wanted to practice before quidditch tryouts.

We pushed the hot pink door to Arden's open, the lavish atmosphere hitting us instantly. It's an adorable little boutique tucked into Hogsmeade; Daph and I absolutely worship the store for our party outfits.

We're infamous for making heads turn with sets that are alike to the point that it's obviously planned, but not enough to make us look like first years trying to match.

"Good morning darlings," the store owner, Arden, greeted us as we walked in.

She's precious, and she treats Daphne and I like her granddaughters.

"Good morning," we sang, looking around the store.

"This rack has everything we would need," Daphne starts to head to a clothing rack filled with metallic pieces on it.

"I'll do silver, you do gold" I suggested, pulling a silver tank top and mini skirt off of the rack.

"Yes," Daphne agreed as she sifted through the clothes "it'll be like a flip flop from the New Years Eve party".

I pulled a gold tube top and a matching fringed mini skirt out of the pile I'd been subconsciously making.

"This?" I asked, holding the set up for Daphne to see.

"Yes yes yes!" She exclaimed as she grabbed the gold pieces out of my hands.

She skipped over to the curtain, and pulled it back before looking over to me "Shall we?"

I nodded and followed her into the large changing room so we could try on our outfits.

"The boys are gonna be obsessed" Daphne squeals, doing a twirl that causes the fringes of her skirt to circle with her.

"I know," I replied, admiring how my skirt hugged my body "we shouldn't let them see us ready until we're already at the party though."

"YES! LIKE A REVEAL" Daphne just kept getting more excited every second.

"Ya," I said, pulling my other clothes back on.

"Plus, there's no way Draco would let me leave the dorm in a skirt this short" I joked as we left the room to pay for our outfits.

"Is there a metallic theme tonight?" Arden asked as she rang up our clothes.

"Yup," I smiled as I handed her my galleons.

"Here, take this for your hair," Arden smiles as she hands me a tube filled with a clear gel-like substance; sequins floating around in the tube as well.

"It's on me, and it's a must!" She beams.

"No let us pay for it," Daphne whines, and I nod my head in agreement.

After a few minutes of arguing, we give in and let her give us the gel for free. She smiles in victory as she goes to help a younger girl who just entered the boutique. Quickly, Daphne pulled out a few galleons, placing them in the register as I wrote a note.

Love you Arden
<3 Cass and Daph

We made our way back into the chilled September morning air, making sure to say goodbye to Arden before leaving.

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