34: súton

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súton: (n.) the approach of the end


The morning after crying never fails to make me feel shitty. My head had a dull ache, my eyes burned, and my stomach felt hollow.

I groaned as I pulled myself off the floor. My shoulders and neck were cramped from the hardwood I'd been laying on, so I took the next several minutes slowly moving around to ease the pain. 

I dragged myself into the bathroom and immediately started the shower. While waiting for the water to heat up, I took in my appearance. My eyes were puffy and bloodshot, my face swollen, etc. etc. I looked as good as I felt.

I got into the shower and stood in the stream of hot water until my fingers started to wrinkle. When the texture of my fingertips was no longer smooth, I washed my body and hair.

Once out of the shower, I wrapped my towel around my body and walked over to my closet. I pulled on a sweatshirt and loose shorts before taking a few more deep breaths.

After taking some time to breathe, I felt ready to leave my room. I lazily walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to see my whole family already up.

"Morning sleepyhead," my dad smiled from the head of the table "feeling better?"

"I- ya, yes much better." I forced a smile as I walked over to the cabinet to get a bagel.

"We tried to get you for dinner," my mum spoke from the sink, "I'm assuming you fell asleep quickly?"

"Ya, I fell asleep right when I closed the door." I lied as I pushed down the button on the toaster.

"Will everyone be ready to go in an hour?" My dad questioned as he got up from his seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked while everyone else confirmed that they'd be ready.

"Oh, right," my dad stopped in his tracks. "we're going to St. Mungos to get copies of our memories extracted."

I raised my eyebrows before turning to my mum. "Why?"

"It's just a precaution, sweetie," she reassured me "did you hear what happened to Rabastan Lestrange?"

I shook my head while sitting down at the island.

"Well, a muggleborn obliviated him." My mum's expression was grim as she explained the situation. "It's speculated that muggleborns are working with muggles. They are trying to get rid of the purebloods without breaking muggle laws. Hence the lack of murder."

"So, we're going to get our memories copied and kept at Mungos, just in case." My dad concluded.

"Oh." Was the only word I managed to get out of my mouth.

The bagel was no longer appetizing, so I just looked at it while the rest of my family went back to their own things.

When no one was paying attention to me, I threw out the bagel and made my way back upstairs to my room.

I took my time to layer on makeup and brush my hair. Even though I knew there would be press, I didn't have the energy to make myself look over the top amazing. I'd have my time to do that tonight at the ball.

"Kids! Let's go!" My father's voice boomed through the house.

I pulled on a pair of shoes before walking out of my room. I rolled my eyes at the two sets of stairs I had to get down in order to make it to the ground level.

Who decided that I got the third floor?

I descended the stairs and followed the rest of my family to the travel parlor. One by one, we went into the fireplace, threw the powder, and called out our destination.

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