I woke up at seven in the morning with a sharp pain in my right hand. I groaned as I flipped on the lights to examine it.

My knuckles were bruised and swollen, and I had a huge gash spreading across the bottom of my index and middle finger.

I'm going to need Coltyn and Landon to give me better fighting lessons.

I dragged myself out of bed and thanked my past self for packing everything, and bringing it downstairs, last night.

Lazily, I brush my teeth and put my hair into two dutch braids. I pulled on a pale green sundress before walking downstairs to the kitchen; my mom and brothers already sitting at the table.

After eating, I went back upstairs to make my bed and clean up a little before leaving.

"Cass let's go," my mom yelled from the main floor.

"Coming!" I yelled back as I took one last look at my room.

I walk into the fireplace with my bags and a handful of floo powder.

"King's Cross," I called out as I threw the power down onto the floor.

Green flames ignited around me, but just as quickly as the appeared, they died back down. I stepped out of the fireplace and onto the crowded train station.

Mum looks more nervous than any of us, and we're the ones actually going to school. She gives us the whole I'll miss you, love you, write to me speech. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, we get onto the train.

The four of us took an empty cart, but after a few minutes, Landon saw Fred and George. He told Ayla she should go with him to meet their younger sister since they're the same year. That leaves me and Coltyn in the cart alone.

"Do you think he's gonna be at this school?" Coltyn asks as he turns to me.

"Who?" I asked, confused.

"The boy you punched," he quickly adds.

"I hope not," I sigh. "Or at least if he is I hope I don't ever have to interact with him—"

The door slides open, and there's that stupid blond AGAIN. Am I ever gonna get away from this boy?

I look at Coltyn before moving my eyes up to the boy. He just stares for a second.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"You're in our cart," he says while continuing to stare at me.

"Oi! Malfoy why are you just stan—" two more boys walk up to the cart.

The one with dark skin and a smile to die for pushes past the blond and holds his hand out.

"Hello, I'm Blaise Zabini. It's a pleasure to meet you. This is Theo Nott," he gestures to a light brown haired boy, "and I see you've already met Draco Malfoy."

Coltyn speaks up for us, "Hi I'm Coltyn Williams, and this is my twin sister Cassandra Williams. We're new this year, fourth years."

I smiled awkwardly at the two boys now sitting across from us. Malfoy was still standing in the doorway like a creep.

"This is pathetic," blondie rolled his eyes. "They're probably mud—"

"Finish that sentence and we will have a repeat performance of yesterday in the ice cream shop," I cut him off, my voice dripping with venom.

I heard Theo and Blaise whispering curses from across the cart, but I kept my eyes on the blond who looked just as lethal as I did now.

"And for your information," Coltyn quickly backed me up. "We're purebloods, not a single piece of anything else in our lineage. Not that it really matters though."

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