15: elysian

352 16 5

elysian: (adj.) peaceful and perfect


Hello loves,

I'm allowing you two to have your friends at the lake house this summer. All of their parents must be ok with it, and keep in mind that you cannot use magic while you're there. Your father and I will not be there, we have to work for the summer. We will sort everything else out when you come home. We ask that you stay home for a week to spend time with family, and then you can have the whole summer to yourselves. Sorry for such a late response, it took a while to conceive your father. Love you lots, see you in a month.

- mum

"You guys can come to the lake house this summer!" I squealed as I finished reading.

I passed the letter down the table to Coltyn, his eyes lighting up as he read it.

"So, what's it like?" Blaise asked, most of them still confused on the idea of a lake house.

"It's in a muggle community in New Hampshire, so we have to be really careful about our words and stuff," I started, the group's eyes on me "there's a lake, obviously, where we can go on a boat, swim, go tubing, and all kinds of stuff like that. And we have a hot tub too, for when we just want to hang out."

"Is your whole family going?" Theo questioned.

"No," I responded "it'll be us six, and Coltyn, Adrian, Gavin, and Marcus"

"What about Ayla?" Blaise asked.

"No." I said

"Ah fuck, she's hot" his smirk quickly changed to a wince as I hit his arm.

"Kind of sad not all of the Williams are attending," Draco started. I rolled my eyes, knowing he was about to make a joke out of my large family "I was really looking forward to spending my summer in the same house as the whole population of Europe."

"So you have a big family?" Carter asked.

I keep forgetting he doesn't know much about any of our home lives.

"Bloody huge," Theo answered for me "there's Cass and Coltyn, their brother Landon is that Gryffindor in between the Weasleys, their sister Ayla is that one over at the Ravenclaw table," he motioned over to Ayla "and then there are two twin babies, Zayn and Gabe" Theo took an obnoxious breath as he finished.

"Don't forget her hot mom and mediocre dad" Blaise jeered.

"Zabini, if you call one more member of my family hot, you're not coming with us" I groaned.

Blaise pretended to zip his mouth closed and lock it with an invisible key. I rolled my eyes as I went back to eating my breakfast.

Classes dragged by, just like they always do. I just need to get through the day though, we're planning on having a movie night tonight.

"Let's meet back here at 12, ya?" Daphne asked the boys as we all stood at the bottom of the dorm stairs.

"Got it," Theo saluted us as we parted ways.

Daphne and I completed all our homework before pulling on comfy clothes and heading down to the common room.

"Go go go now," Theo whispered urgently as the six of us ran across the dark corridor.

A light "meow" came from around the corner.

Our eyes widened as we all crammed into a tiny broom closet, staying completely silent as we stood in anticipation.

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