14: envy

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envy: a desire for what is someone else's


"Fucks sake," I groaned, slamming my book shut "I'm gonna fail this test."

"Me and you both" Blaise said resting his head in his hands.

We all sat in the common room well after midnight, studying for our charms exam we had the next morning.

I'm sitting on Draco's lap on the floor, Daphne and Theo are sitting awfully close on a love seat at the head of the table, and Blaise is sprawled out on one of the couches.

It's April, and the past four months have been complete bliss, minus the school work of course. Daphne and Theo are dating, and Draco and I have been doing amazing.

The stone door slid open, causing us all to freeze. The prefects came back an hour ago from their night shift.

We all sat in silence as the door slowly slid open, revealing professor Snape and a dirty blond boy around our age.

"Lovely.. these kids are in your year. They'll show you to your dorm." Snape says, pushing the boy into the common room before turning around, his robe swirling dramatically.

"What a dramatic exit.." Theo joked as he rolled his eyes.

We all stared as the boy made his way over. For someone being stared down by us, he looked extremely confident. Maybe it's because we've been awake for way longer than we should be, but usually our looks kill.

"Hello, I'm Carter Addison," he starts, taking a seat in the empty chair across from Theo and Daphne. There is a second of silence, and I decide to be the one to break it.

"Hello, I'm Cassandra Williams," I smiled, my words were immediately followed by Draco's arms wrapping tighter around my waist.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Draco said, venom in his voice.

Merlin this kid is such a brat sometimes. I pinch his hand, telling him to be nice.

The rest of the group introduces themselves, and we talk for a while. Carter's pretty nice, he tells us he's from New Jersey.

When we split up to go to our dorms, Draco kisses me a little longer than usual. I know it's just to show Carter I'm off limits, Draco's so possessive sometimes. A blessing and a curse all at once.

Daphne and I immediately fall asleep when we get to our dorms.

"Ok, sleepy heads," Blaise yelled "up, get up now!"

I groaned as I pulled the covers over my head.

We gave the boys the code to our dorm, and it was our worst idea yet.

"We let you miss first class," Theo sang "but you two have a test in twenty minutes."

I lifted the covers just enough to throw my middle finger up in the air.

"Go awa-" my breath was knocked out of me mid sentence as a heavy weight landed on top of me.

Seconds later, my covers were pulled back to reveal a bright blond smirking down at me.

"Get up, darling," he whispered as he dove in to kiss my forehead "or else I'll drag you out of bed and throw you in the great lake."

I lightly slapped Draco's head as he chucked and pulled me out of my bed.

Slowly, I made my way to the bathroom to pull on my uniform and do my hair.

"If you guys make a mess of our dorm, you have to buy us coffee for a week!" Daphne sang as we left the dorm for our charms class.

losing game || d.m.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ