9: trouvaille

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trouvaille: (n.) something lovely discovered by a chance; a windfall


"Okay I'm heading out," Daphne said while opening up the door, "if you change your mind you can wear my black dress. You would look so hot in it, love youu" the ending of her sentence was muffled by the door closing behind her.

I stared at the tight black dress on the door before pulling out my homework. If I'm staying in the whole night, I may as well get stuff done.

It's been around 90 minutes since Daphne left, and I'm so done with my homework. I only got divination done, but that's better than nothing. I packed up my stuff, and my eyes fell onto the dress. Fuck it.

I pulled the dress on, put my hair into loose curls, and put some makeup on.

Daphne was right, I did look hot.

Hopefully this party is better than the ones in America. I took a deep breath before opening up my door, and making my way down the stairs.

The second my foot hit the floor of the common room, I was welcomed by loud music. The room had green lights, people dancing, everything. It looked like the parties in movies.

Daphne made eye contact with me, and squealed as she ran up to me.

"I knew that dress would look good on you," she stated as she admired her dress on me "come on let's go."

She grabbed my hand, and led me towards where she had been sitting with the boys.

I smile as she hands me a drink. I talk to the boys for a while, and then scan the room for Oliver. That's when I see him, making out with a sixth year girl.

"Williams? You alright?" Theo asked staring at me.

My jaw was dropped in shock, but momma didn't raise a pussy.

I nodded, looking back over at Oliver. This time, we made eye contact, and he immediately pushed the girl off and tried to make his way over to me. Regret was written all over his face.

I grabbed a shot, and threw it down my throat. I barely cringed as the liquid burned it's way through my body.

"Theo, I don't like you as more than a friend, but you need to make out with me right now" I said, walking over to the couch across from where I had been.

"What- Williams- Why-" Theo tripped over his words. I grabbed him by the tie, pulling him up to make us face to face.

"Now, I'll explain later," I said with pleading eyes.

With that, he grabbed my throat and pulled me in. His tongue searched my mouth before moving its way down to my neck.

I took this moment to open my eyes, and they immediately met with Oliver's. I smirked before knocking my head back and moaning softly for extra effect. With that, Oliver stomped up the stairs to the boys dorms.

"Good?" Theo asked with a smirk.

"Perfect, thank you," I said, as I explained what had driven me to do that.

The whole group now collectively hates Oliver.

We spent the night laughing and drinking. In this moment, I realized how lucky I was to have these friends.

I guess I didn't like Oliver as much as I told myself I did because I spent the entire night on cloud nine with my new friends.


"Fuck," I groaned as I woke up the next morning.

As I peeled my eyes open, I realized I was not looking up at my own ceiling. I looked over to see Daphne rubbing her eyes as well, we're sleeping in someone else's bed.

This is the second morning in a row where I've woken up somewhere other than my own bed.

"Good morning sleepy heads," Blaise jeered from the next bed over "you both were blackout drunk last night, and none of us knew the code to get into your dorm. So we just brought you guys back up here."

"Thanks," we both mumbled.

It's safe to say that Daphne is as hungover as I am.

"We should go to Hogsmeade to get hangover potions, I feel like shit" Daphne said as she rolled out of the bed.

As I sat up, I saw Malfoy sitting on the floor in what looked like a makeshift bed. I turned to see Theo in the bed next to Blaise's.

Holy shit, I just slept in Draco Malfoy's bed.

Heat creeped up my neck as I came to the realization, and I prayed that no one would notice the red that had made its way to my cheeks.

"Yes, right now," I agreed "I don't even care that we look like shit. I feel like death."

We both got up lazily, makeup smeared and hair a mess.

"You can't wear that, it's 40 degrees outside" Malfoy said looking at us.

I looked at our outfits, realizing that we're both in dresses from the night before. The walk out of this dorm room is gonna be embarrassing, we can only pray that no one is up yet.

Malfoy pulled off the sweatshirt he was wearing, and I couldn't stop myself as staring as his shirt rode up with it. Damn he has nice abs.

"It's rude to stare, Williams" Malfoy smirked as he threw his sweatshirt at me.

My face burned to an even darker shade of red.

Daphne opened the top drawer of the boys' dresser to reveal a ton of her shorts and shirts. I guess she stays here a lot. She threw me a pair of her shorts as she raised her eyebrows at my bright red face.

We went into the bathroom together to change. No way was I sitting out there alone with them after I got caught staring.

We both thanked the boys as we made our way out of the dorm. We were half way down the hall when a door opened, and Coltyn ran right into me.

"Cass, what are you doing in the boys dorms," he asked me, eyes calculating.

"I'll meet you in the common room," Daphne said to me, leaving my brother and I to talk.

"Wait but Oliver came back last night? Are you not seeing him anym-"

"I went down the party last night to see Oliver making out with some random girl, so I'd consider it off. We were completely blacked out last night, so the boys brought us back to their dorm. They didn't know our password, and we were hammered. No I didn't sleep with any of them. You better not tell mom, dad, or Landon." I let it all out, not pausing once to breathe.

Coltyn took a second to calculate before asking "Are you ok? With Oliver I mean," his eyes searching mine.

"Yes I'm all good," I said with a smile "I'm
going to Hogsmeade to get hangover potions, but let's catch up later."

Coltyn agreed, and we both split ways upon reaching the common room. I've barely talked to Coltyn, or any of my siblings for that matter, since we've gotten here. I'll have to make plans with them soon. We can't lose our bond.

The entire walk to Hogsmeade was Daphne drilling me with questions about Theo and Malfoy. I can't even blame her because I did make out with the former last night, and I'm currently wearing the latter's sweatshirt.

Theo is an easy answer. Neither of us see the other in that way. We're strictly platonic and we both know it.

Malfoy on the other hand, is a whole different story. He gave me his sweatshirt even though Daphne had a full drawer of her clothes right there.

This is all too much for my pounding head to process.

Hi babes, so I want everyone's opinions on the story so far...

Let me know, andddd of course VOTE!! LOVE YOU ALL <3

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