35: gone

350 7 1

gone: (adj.) missing, lacking, unavailable


The pale blue dress hanging in my closet looked small enough to fit one of the dolls I played with as a child.

There was no way that the dress could possibly fit me. The tailor must've made a mistake.

I groaned as I pulled it off the hanger and walked out of my closet.

The silky material was cold against my skin, and to my surprise, it fit me perfectly. My jaw dropped in realization. It looked so tiny on the hanger. I'm that small.

"Ayla!" I called from the door of my room.

"Ya?" Her voice yelled from the floor below.

"Can you come zip my dress?"

A door from the second floor closed, and Ayla ascended the stairs to my room. She zipped up my dress and then turned so I could zip up hers.

"That color looks good on you," I complimented her as she turned back around.

"Really?" She asked, "I kind of hate the yellow."

"Don't," I smiled. "it compliments your skin tone perfectly."

"Thank you, yours looks amazing too."

I thanked her while we went back to our own rooms to finish getting ready. I put on more makeup than usual, and brushed out my hair.

As if on cue, a kick sounded from my door.

"Come in," I called out while continuing to untangle my hair.

"You look gorgeous!" Daphne exclaimed as she walked into my room, her arms full with every hair tool imaginable.

"As do you," I smiled as I patted the seat next to me.

She sat down, and I immediately started on her makeup. The two of us talked, and talked, and talked. Just like we always do.

"Don't freak out, don't even react," I warned her before continuing "I broke up with Draco. I think it's just a break, we both need it. I still love him, and I hope he still loves me. We just really need to get ourselves back in check. I don't want to talk about it, he's still my date tonight."

Daphne did her best to keep her facial expression neutral, but I could see everything processing in her eyes. Merlin bless her for replying with an understanding "Ok."

I quickly flipped the subject, and before long, it was like that conversation never even happened.

After finishing Daphne's makeup, she did my hair into an elegant low bun. There were curls framing my face, and when I looked in the mirror, my eyes widened. I hadn't felt pretty in such a long time.

"I love it Daph," I murmured while she fixed last minute pieces of her work.

"Let's go!" Landon called from the first level "Mum and Dad have already left, and we're going to be late if we don't drop Daphne off soon."

Daphne and I grabbed our shoes, and walked down the two sets of stairs.

"You both look gorgeous ," Landon complimented as he all but shoved us into his car.

"You two look very nice," Coltyn complimented from the front seat.

Landon took off, and when Daphne got to her place, she had to run into her family's car.

We were two seconds away from being late.

Landon drove much faster than he should've, but it did us well because we made it at the perfect time. Not too early, not too late.

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