29: abditory

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abditory: (n.) a place in which you can disappear to; a hiding place








Whatever you want to call it. My safe haven for the past three months at the school has been by Black Lake. On the nights I'm not with Draco, I sneak out here. It's the single place that's brought me to a state of contentment amidst everything going on with the muggles.

The news about it has definitely lowered in volume, and most people seem to have completely forgotten about it. Even I let it slip my mind sometimes, but the thought still nags me when I least expect it.

The chilled March air caused me to pull my blanket closer to me while I sat cross legged on the T shaped wooden dock. My shoes and socks took up the space next to me while I let my feet sit in the freezing lake water. My cheeks and nose were numb from the continuous light breeze.

I heard the dock creak behind me, and my heart immediately sunk into my stomach. One of two things is about to happen. Either there's a dark creature walking on the dock behind me, or there's a professor that's about to give me a year's worth of detention. I sucked in a breath and gripped my wand before turning around to confront my fate.

A floating head greeted me, and I just about shit myself. I pulled my wand up, and got ready to throw the head into the lake.

"Woah, woah, Williams!" The head yelled while casting a lumos, revealing their face and body.

"Merlin fuck Potter," I let out a breath while lowering my wand "you almost scared the magic out of me."

I sat back down, and pulled the blanket back over me. Is he going to speak? This is supposed to be where I get alone time.

"Sorry," he sighed while sitting down on the opposite edge of the dock. "I saw you sneak out a few days ago. I need to talk to you."

I turned to face him and prompted him to continue.

"Erm.." he awkwardly started "you and Malfoy are two of the muggle's most wanted right?"

Merlin's balls this is where I go to get a break from this muggle shit.

"Ya...." I answered awkwardly. Everyone and their mom knows that we're some of the most wanted.

"I think Hermione's behind it." Harry confidently stated.

"Isn't she your friend?" I asked as he got up.

"Was," he corrected me "but think about it. Your friends are the people she hates most, and you're all top of the list. Plus, almost every family being targeted is a pureblood family, except for Gryffindor purebloods like the Weasley's and Longbottoms. She hates purebloods for what they did in the war, but she didn't even live through the thing. It didn't affect her or her family whatsoever, but we both know she needs to stick her nose into everything."

Apparently he was not staying for conversation because he got up and started to walk away immediately after stating his opinion.

"The entire not wanted list is my fucking friends and family." I mumbled as his figure retreated to the school.

Granger. I mean she definitely hates everyone on that list. That much was a fact, but hatred going so far that she wants to start a whole war over this? Talk about hypocrisy.

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