Chapter 27

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"I don't understand."

I gripped my head and curled upon myself, I know my sister died, I saw it with my own eyes. I remember the memory so vividly there's no way she was alive— my eyes widened in realisation. Maybe— maybe she survived somehow. I had tuned out for the rest of the conversation, it is clear that Jin and Namjoon were clearly on our side now. That they were acting suspicious for other reasons.

I shot my eyes up to meet his, "Jin." I called out, gaining everyone's attention.

"I need to dive in my case."

Jungkook and Yoongi got up, "you are absolutely not going to do that Hana !" Jungkook gritted and glared at me.

"Kook's right. We're not going to go on dives anymore." Yoongi glared back, "and that's final."

"No." I stood up and challenged them, "if it's a case about my baby sister I remember it vividly. I remember it was just my parents my sister and I, no one else so if there is—"

"If there is then— the memory could be fake." Jin answered thoughtfully, "all the other cases the others have dived in either had a lot of people around or you weren't there to experience the rest of it. Hana was there through it all, she would know— if something was planted.. fabricated." Jin looked up to meet my eyes to confirm my thoughts. I nodded, he was precisely right.

Jungkook however stared at me in fear and Taehyung had sat up as well to look at me with sad eyes.

"We are not doing this—! Not after what happened to Taehyung—"

"We need to." Namjoon announced, "if it's true that this corporation has figured out how to change an autopsy then it's very likely they've managed to figure out how to fabricate memory's. We've been used as lab rats." He cursed.

"We are not putting her through it —!" Jungkook yelled as he clenched his fists.


His snapped his head towards me, narrowing his eyes filled with rage, "I will not hear it again Hana." He sternly said making me shut up.

The room's air became thick enough To be sliced with a butter knife, Jimin hadn't returned at Taehyung got worried so he went to check up on him. Everyone mostly stayed quiet either deep in thought or troubled over everything. I however knew I needed to use the memory dive, with or without Jungkook knowing.

Jin let out an exasperated sigh, "alright well, no more secrets between us anymore alright? If you wish to share anything, only do it within the confines of the living quarters and do not, leave this place past nine at night."

"Why?" Hoseok piped up.

Jin swallowed before continuing, he looked incredibly troubled, "I've seen someone roam around the halls at night, and it wasn't any of us to my knowledge—"

Jungkook and my head shot up to look at Him, shivers ran down my spine.

The key card.

"You mean— there's someone living down here besides us?" Hoseok was freaking out, "I thought we were the only ones besides Sena?"

"Well Sena had to stay somewhere right?" Namjoon piped up, "and she didn't live with us so she must've lived elsewhere."

"The other living spaces!" I gasped and covered my mouth. "But they were empty weren't they?"

Namjoon shook his head, "They we're but we never checked the individual rooms. But Jin and I figured it out one day when we used Sean's key to check the place, there were not one but two bedrooms that were occupied."

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