Chapter - 18 (Captain America - Winter Soldier)

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(Like Iron Man 3, I'm going to start the story at the part that (Y/N) joins the movie, you'll understand in the chapter.)


(Y/N) and Rebecca just arrived in washington as (Y/N) is on the phone to Tony.

(Y/N): You got it taking out?... Why?... Fair enough, how's Pepper?... Were alright, might try and piss S.H.I.E.L.D off while were here, you know maybe rob a bank that sorta thing... Ok, take care... you to Dad.

(Y/N) then hung up the phone as the duo got off the train, and no don't worry they didn't pay for the tickets.

Rebecca: You know, I've been wondering, how a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent became such a rule breaker?

She asked giving (Y/N) a friendly nudge to the shoulder.

(Y/N): Baby girl, I was a rule breaker way before I was a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent...

Rebecca: What was your code name? Agent Venom?

(Y/N): No, but I wish it was... that's cool as shit... the sun's coming up... let's find somewhere to lay low.

Rebecca nodded as they went around Washington trying to find a place to lay low, then (Y/N) remembered about a purchase he and Nat made when they started dating.

(Y/N): Ok, this might seem weird but were going to my Ex's place...

Rebecca nodded but got a little curious.

Rebecca: What happened between you two.

(Y/N): Honestly... nothing... she just worked for the people trying to catch me...

Rebecca: Do you still love her?

(Y/N) looked at her as they were near the potential safe house, (Y/N)'s Mother always taught him to tell the truth, so he just nodded at her as he hung his head low.

(Y/N): But that doesn't mean I don't love you... were here.

(Y/N) started to walk towards the house as Rebecca just looked at the building

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(Y/N) started to walk towards the house as Rebecca just looked at the building.

Rebecca: Not very subtly...

(Y/N): It wasn't supposed to be, this was for when we called it quits... but that was before the aliens and all the other crazy shit...

(Y/N) approached the door and tried to open it, but of course it was locked so he looked left then to the right, and he broke the lock... Ok, he kicked the door open, when they entered it was just a basic home... no crazy guns and machines that you would expect a spy to have in their home, but it is just a cozy home.

Rebecca: Wow, you two planned out your life together...

(Y/N) didn't answer and went to looked around the place, once he knew they are alone he went to a bookshelf and pulled out a blue book, when he did the bookshelf opened to show a high tech computer with guns to the side, (Y/N) pressed some buttons and on the computer screen an image popped up, it is a picture of the living room, the Tv, the sofa it is all there, except there is one new thing... a Red haired lady is sat on the sofa, Rebecca looked over his shoulder and saw this.

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