Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning to two arms wrapped around me. I had my head on Owens chest and I could feel his heart beating.

He looked so handsome in his sleep with his lips slightly parted and was lightly snoring. "You gonna stare all day?" I hadn't noticed that he was now staring back at me.

I looked away in embarrassment with my checks turning slightly red. Then I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand next to me.

It was a text from Damien

"I'm coming to pick you up in 15 minutes. You better be ready"

"Ok I am already up"

Oh shit. I was still in my clothes from last night and my makeup was definitely a mess.

I started to panic and quickly got up from the bed to try and look presentable. "What's going on?" Owen asked. I could see that he was upset I left his grasp.

"Damien is going to be here soon and I need to hurry up" I said grabbing my bag and going to the bathroom to change. I heard Owen chuckle from his bedroom.

I looked in the mirror barely recognizing myself. I had dried mascara running down my face from me crying last night and I looked at my wrists. They had purple bruises on both of them.

I instantly felt sick remembering everything that happened last night. A single tear fell down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away trying to focus on getting ready. 

I changed into some black sweatpants and a grey sweatshirt that was a little big so they would cover my bruises. "Aurora Damien is here. His car is in the driveway" yelled Owen

"Ok" I yelled back putting all my things into my overnight bag.

Opening the door Owen sat up from his bed. "Are you ok?"

I nodded trying to not breakdown. He gave me a hug and I instantly wrapped my arms around him. "I'll see you at school tomorrow" I whispered

I heard Damien beep his horn. He's so damn inpatient.

"I gotta go. I'll text you later bye love ya" I said almost running out the front door

"Love you more" he yelled back waving at me. He is the best person in my life.

Walking out to the car I noticed somebody else was sitting in the passenger seat. As I got closer I noticed it was Jason. Why did he come with Damien?

I got into the back seat still wondering why Jason was here. "How was your sleepover?" Damien asked. I could feel the tension in the air

"Umm it was good" I tried saying calmly. I started feeling nervous. "Well Jason saw something really interesting last night. Why don't you tell her" Damien said weirdly excited.

Jason took a deep breath "Aurora I know you went to a party last night" he finally said. Oh no how did they know?

"Um what party?" I tried playing it off but I have always been a terrible liar. "Don't play dumb Aurora I saw you last night leave a party with the twins in some guys truck" Jason stated sternly

Normally he's the most chill about stuff like this but I guess he's turning into my other brothers. "I have no clue what your talking about" I was not going to admit I was at the party.

"I think you got me mixed up with somebody else" I added in. "When we get home Aurora I need to talk to you in my office" Damien spoke loudly and cold.

I've always been somewhat scared of him but Stone was definitely the worst. I didn't say anything for the rest of the way home.

Walking in Damien made sure I was in-front of him just in case I tried to run away. All my brothers were in the living room and stared at me knowing I was in trouble.

"Sit down" Damien said sternly. He then went and sat behind his desk in the other chair.

"So tell me why you snook off to a party last night with the twins"

I looked away from him trying to not make eye contact. "Aurora you need to tell my know or else I will forbid you from seeing the twins ever again" Damien raised his voice

"You can't do that" I said trying remain calm knowing I was already screwed. "Then tell me"

"We just went to a party it's not a big deal" I tried saying. "Not a big deal? Are you serious right now?" Damiens voice was raised with each word.

"Aurora you are fucking fifteen you shouldn't be doing this" Damien stated. Is he joking cause I've heard so many stories about him sneaking out when he was fucking twelve.

"Are you serious right now? I know you have done so much worst when you were my age so don't act all innocent" I said standing from the chair wanting this to be over

"Sit down now" Damien also began standing. He definitely could outrun me but I still needed to try.

I sprinted to the door trying to escape but Damien smashed his fist on the door closing it. He grabbed my bruised wrist pulling me back to my seat.

"Ow stop it Damien" I shouted trying to pull his hand off. He looked down at my wrist that wasn't being held and my sleeve was revealing my bruised wrist.

"Who did that to you?" He asked his voice still deep. "Nobody" I pulled my sleeve back down trying to cover it.

"Aurora do not make me ask again" he was starting to become more angry with me. "None of your damn business" I yelled at him.

His face went cold and he left the room with his feet almost stomping. I sat down in the chair and looked at my wrists. The one he grabbed seemed to not worsen.

Damien finally returned but wasn't alone. Of course he brought Stone probably so he could yell at me too.

"Show the bruises Aurora or we will do it the hard way" Stone said folding his arms. I shook my head and pulled my sleeves over my hands.

Damien nodded at Stone and they both walked over to me. Damien held my arms to stop me from running while Stone pulled my sleeves up.

"S-stop please" I kept on trying to escape Damiens grasp as tears were flowing down my cheeks. "Princess who did this to you?" Stone asked his voice filled with worry.

I didn't want to tell them at all. I shook my head showing that I wasn't planing on talking. "Fine if you don't wanna talk give me your phone" Damien spoke

I hesitated and handed over my phone. I grabbed my bag and left luckily Damien didn't try and stop me this time.

I was beyond pissed off at them. They think they need to know everything about my life but it's none of their business.

I threw my bag on my bedroom floor and laid in my bed wiping my tears off my face. I was beyond exhausted from barely sleeping last night and I quickly fell asleep.

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