Quidditch Conflict

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That weekend, the Gryffindor Quidditch team went to the field to practice. The Slytherin team met them there, even though the field was reserved for the Gryffindors. Severia was accompanying Ruby, who had asked her to watch Draco play.

"Look! They've got another Weasley!" Draco teased.

Severia glared at Ruby from the stands. They both stood up and walked onto the field to stop him from antagonizing them.

"Don't you have better things to do?" Harry said, rolling his eyes. He saw Severia walk up to Draco and almost called out to stop her. Almost.

"Leave them alone." She said in a low voice. "I'm trying to give you a chance, but the more I'm around you, the more I hate you."

Draco found a way to become paler. "You- You hate me?" Was all he could manage.

Severia stared at him in bewilderment. "Does he not remember what he did? How could I not hate him?" She only scoffed before marching over to Harry and Ron.

"You both will do great." Then she kissed Ron on the cheek, making sure Draco and the Slytherins saw. A few gasped and others screamed.

Harry would've joined in on their screams, but was so hurt he couldn't move.

"T- Thanks." Ron stuttered and Severia smirked.

She made her way back to the stands and sat next to Ruby, passing an angry Malfoy on her way.


The practice went on and Severia paid close attention to Harry. She had never seen him play before.

"He's cute." Ruby said to her, noticing that Severia hadn't blinked in quite some time.

"More than cute." Severia said absentmindedly. Ruby gasped and brought Severia back to her senses. "Wait! I mean-"

"Nope! I knew it! The stars have aligned!" Ruby said, dancing in her seat. Severia was trying to get her to calm down so that he wouldn't look over.

"I don't like him!" Severia protested once Ruby settled down.

"Honey, you're in love." Ruby said smoothly.

"I-" Severia stuttered. Was she? She couldn't be. She had only said the word "love" three times in her entire life. How could she love someone and not know it?

"I don't. I don't love him." She said finally.

"Maybe not, but he definitely is. I thought he was going to snap his broom in half when you kissed Ron." Ruby laughed. Severia scrunched her eyebrows.

"What? Harry knows-"

"Does he?" Ruby interrupted as she crossed her arms.

Severia looked back at the field just as Harry was hit over the head by one of Slytherin's beaters.

"I'll tell him eventually." Severia whispered, hoping that Ruby didn't hear her.

"And when you do, he will be the luckiest man in the world." Ruby whispered back. Severia looked at Ruby who was staring straight ahead. Ruby seemed sad, but she was smiling.

Severia put her head on her shoulder to watch the remaining minutes of practice. She could've swore that Ruby wiped the side of her face.

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