Severia IV

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Eleven Years Ago

"Albus! Please help her!" Severus calls.

His three year old daughter was wrapped tightly in a blanket. It was summer, but she was trembling. She was unresponsive for the last ten minutes. He had no other options.

"Oh, Severus. What have you done to her?" Dumbledore asked once he appeared in Snape's living room.

"I've done nothing to her." Snape spat, offended his parenting was being questioned.

"Make her the potion." Dumbledore whispered as he grabbed the girl from him.

"What?" Snape asked. Out of all things, this request was what he least expected.

"Go. You have all you need. The bottle is still here?" Dumbledore said.

"Yes, sir." Severus said before disappearing into the hall.

As Dumbledore held Severia he stroked her coiled hair. It was in a sad attempt of a ponytail. Snape had never quite mastered hairstyles.

"It will be okay my dear. Just stay awhile longer." Albus whispered, choking on his words.

Severia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now