Ch 10

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Riding back to our apartment complex in my limo that night, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Taylor Blake was the first woman to not care about my wealth. She had met me at the apartment building, in a completely normal way. That was all I had hoped for myself one day. As she is sitting in the backseat of this vehicle with me, all I can think about is how in the short time I've known her, she has already begun to change me.

She begins to yawn and smiles shyly at me when she discovers me looking at her.

We pull up to the buiding and I help her out of the car carefully. I put my arm around her waist to help her up the path. We had almost made it into the buiding when Taylor spins in my hold to turn toward the car.

"Thank you Logan!" She waves at my limosine driver. He rolls down a window to offer a friendly wave and pulls off into the rainy night. She turns back at me and looks confused.

"What?" I shake my head and lead her inside once more.

We stop outside of her door and she pulls her bag open to retrieve her keys. I take her hands and put mine over hers, the span of my hands making her's disappear. She looks into my eyes as I try and process how to form a single word with her gazing at me like this. My words fail me, so I lean in and softly press my lips to hers to show her what I fail to say.

She deepens the kiss with her leaning against the door, when suddenly the door swings open, almost knocking Taylor to the ground. I grab her by the shoulders and pull her to my side as we discover the source of the interruption.

"Zoe!" We scream in unison. Taylor's roommate grins at us with an all-knowing smile and laughs. "Sorry to interrupt, well, I'm really not but that's what polite people would say." She shrugs .

Taylor giggles and turns to face me. "Thank you for a wonderful night James. I will see you tomorrow for the test in Literature?"

"Yes. Absolutely. Good night." I glance at Zoe to see if she was planning on giving us a moment to say goodbye, but she is watching on and smirking at me.

"Right." I lightly chuckle and reluctantly walk to my own door and head inside. I shut it behind me and can vaguely hear giggling and "Oh my god!" a few times from the two noisy neighbors next door and chuckle.

"Taylor Blake, what are you doing to me?"


Sorry this is a short filler chapter. The next chapter will be longer and will be when we get to see more of what James' life is like outside of school! So excited!

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