Ch 21

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I am so deeply sorry! I said I would be updating in a few days and then before I knew it, it was three weeks later lol

Well here's chapter 21!


I had been walking around the city for hours now. I kept hearing the buzzing in my coat pocket, which was no doubt my girl calling me to tell me how stupid I am being. She is right, but at the same time, I don't want to put her in any kind of danger. I feel so guilty, and this is all I can think of to solve the problem.

I pulled out my cellphone a while later and listened to her six voice messages. It broke my heart to know that I had caused her so much pain.

My phone began to ring while in the middle of listening to the last message and it was Zoe.

"Zoe are you in Paris?"

"Yes! I am on my way up to see you and Taylor right now."

I then explained what had happened and she sighed out of frustration.

"James, you are an idiot! You are trying to do the right thing, but the only right thing is to get through this,...together. She needs you, and you obviously need her. You are like a lost puppy without her, even when she needs to use the loo you whine and complain that-"

"Ok I got it Zoe!" I chuckled. "I am. I am lost without her." And with that, I hung up the phone and headed back to the hospital to be exactly where I needed to be.



I had just gotten off the phone with my mother when Zoe burst through the door.

"Thank goodness you're alright!" She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight.

"I heard what happened with James. I told him that he was an idiot for you." She said and I laughed for the first time since the accident.

I explained to her my side of it because let's face it, men and women have different views of what goes on in the world.

When I was about to tell her about my pathetic voicemails that I left him, the door swung open, showing a red eyed James in the doorway.

"I'll be outside if you need me!" Zoe jumped up and skipped out of the room.

He moved closer but kept a respectable distance. "Taylor, what I said earlier- I still feel like I am bad for you, but I can't be away from you. I am so sorry for everything. I love you so much and will make all of this up to you." He moved closer so that there were only a few inches separating us. I could feel his warm breath waft over my face as he stared into my eyes. Nothing could have prepared me for how I would react to the words he was about to say.

"You mean everything to me."

My breath hitched in my throat and my only response was a nod because I was too choked up to speak.

"Let's get you home."

To Fall For a City BoyWhere stories live. Discover now