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So this chapter will introduce a new character and will have multiple POV's! Yay! Also, sorry that there are three characters from Gossip Girl, but I always pictured Zoe and Taylor as Blake and Jess from GG, and Chace Crawford is a total babe soooooo might as well make him Andrew hahaha

Hope you enjoy  Chapter 17 :)


It had been a week since James had talked his friend into meeting us for a double date, and tonight was the night. I was so nervous! Right before I moved to London for university, I had a boyfriend that I had been seeing for almost four years. It was so heartbreaking when he ended things, and I wanted to focus on nothing but school ever since. I haven't told Taylor this, but I think I should before we leave for the date tonight.

"Tay? Can you come help me for a second?" She comes into the room and she looks gorgeous! Her hair is in its usual loose curls going down her back, and she is wearing a navy blue strapless dress that matches the color of her eyes.

"Zoe, why aren't you dressed? We are leaving in a few minutes!"

I sighed. "I just want to tell you something first. I had a boyfriend before, and he ended it just shy of being four years into the relationship. I really loved him, and,...I guess I am just scared to go on a date tonight since it will be the first time since the breakup."

"It is perfectly normal to be nervous! I am so sorry to hear that Zoe. But you are a beautiful, smart, and incredibly funny girl who any man would be lucky to date! So I think it's time to get back out there and see what happens. This Andrew guy seems nice from what James says, so just give him a chance. And James and I will be with you the whole time. Now go get dressed silly!"

 I laughed and went to go get changed so we could leave. Taylor was right, I will just give this man a chance and see what happens.


I had arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early to meet up wit Andrew before the ladies arrived. I finally spotted him walking in and a huge grin appeared on his face when he saw me.

"James Hudson! Long time no see mate!" He pulled me in for a hug which I gladly returned.

"Good to see you too! It has been too long! Have a seat! The girls will be here shortly."

"So you can catch me up on how your life has been since I last saw you once the ladies get here, I want to hear about Zoe." He wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh.

"She's a great girl. She lives in the flat next door to mine and lives with my girlfriend. She is so funny and sarcastic, I'm sure you'll get along just fine."

Just then, the girls walked in to the restaurant. They both looked beautiful, but all I could see was Taylor. She looked so beautiful as always, and was smiling and laughing at something Zoe must have just said. Her laugh was contagious, and could brighten up a whole room. I smiled at this, and she returned the smile when she saw me.

"Hi boys!" Taylor greeted us and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Taylor, Zoe, this is Andrew Burke. Andrew, this is my girlfriend Taylor Blake, and this is Zoe Price."

Zoe and Taylor both shook hands with Andrew, and Andrew and Zoe seemed to already feel comfortable with each other, which was a relief.

The dinner was great. Andrew told us about how he had been in Barcelona for school for about two years now and just moved back to London to start up a studio here in the city for his photographs. Zoe was mesmerized while he spoke, and he seemed to be the same way when she did.

"Should we leave them alone for a few minutes?" Taylor leaned in to whisper. I nodded and she took out her phone.

"Hello? Mom? What's going on? You want to talk to both James and I, right now?" She leaned towards Zoe and Andrew at the table. "I have to take this, my mom can be a little crazy sometimes. Come on James!" And with that, she pulled me from the table.

We went to the back of the restaurant to hid behind a plant and watched them talking to each other.

"That had to be the worst excuse I have ever heard by the way." I told Taylor as we continued to spy on the two of them. She lightly smacked me on the arm and laughed.

"I'm sorry, I had to improvise!"

"Ok, I'll forgive you, for a kiss." I grinned and she rolled her eyes, but leaned in anyway.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. She gently moved us so I was pressed up against the wall at the back of the restaurant and continued to kiss me with a little more force.

After a few minutes, she pulled away and kept her forehead pressed against mine as she stared into my eyes. "We should probably go back to spying on our friends." She giggles and I agree.

When we look back, we are shocked by what we see.


I was so nervous when Taylor and James left me all alone with Andrew. He seemed to laugh at their excuse to get us alone and then turned his attention back to me.

"I have had an amazing time tonight." He smiles.

"Me too! You seem to not be too scared of my weirdness apparently." I joked

"No no you are not weird! You are just like what James said about you, smart, talented, beautiful. I would like to get to know you better if you would want to do this again sometime, but I think that next time, we will go alone."


He actually likes me! I nodded my head in response. "So, is this the moment?"

He looked at me and smiled. "And what moment would that be?"

"The moment where you fall madly in love with me of course!" I teased and he broke out laughing.

"It might be the start." He whispered as he leaned in to kiss me.

EEEEEEKKKK I loved writing this chapter because yay go Zoe! Let me know what you think :) xoxo

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