Ch 26

394 13 1

I thought I would put these up just in case you wanted to listen to any or all of these songs while reading the chapter. They are what I listened to while writing this :)

Wildest Dreams- Taylor Swift

Comes and Goes (In Waves)- Greg Laswell


As soon as I had booked the next available flight back to America, I sat on the uncomfortable airport bench and took out my cellphone.

I had been trying to not look at it for the past few hours, because I knew what would most likely pop up on the screen. Texts from Zoe telling me not to leave or something. I wonder if he even knows that I left. I wonder if he even cares.

Oh wait, I know he doesn't. He made that very clear about 8 hours ago.

I probably look like a mess to people passing by. I had been asleep on a little bench for a few hours. My flight left in about 45 minutes, thank goodness. My plane ticket was ridiculously expensive since it was so last minute, so I hoped my parents wouldn't kill me when they found out, but yelling and screaming at me wouldn't do any good.

"I don't even feel sad anymore, I just feel numb. From my head to my toes, I feel nothing. I almost wish I felt sad again like I did a few hours ago, just to feel something.

I dialed my mom's number and hoped she would pick up the phone. It was about 3pm at home, so she should be at work.

"Hello? Taylor?" Thank goodness.

"M-mom?" I stuttered. I couldn't help but start crying at the sound of her voice. She then started asking a million questions after she heard me sobbing into the phone. I told her what happened, and she told me that I am doing the right thing by coming home.

"You just need some time to heal. Well, Daddy and I will be waiting for you when you land then. We love you, Tay!"

I felt a lot better after speaking to my mom, but just couldn't wait to leave. These past few months in England have been the best of my life. But just when it couldn't get any better, everything that was once wonderful disappeared.


I have really done it this time. Taylor will never forgive me or even give me a chance to explain what happened. But I understand why. It looks like I am a liar, who told her that I loved her and wanted to be with her, and then she saw when Nikki kissed me.

If it were reversed, I would be absolutely crushed as well. However, she has to know. She has to know that it was a mistake. She has to know that I want her and no one else. She has to know that I would rather die than be apart from her.

I tried to drive faster and move around other cars to get to her faster, but Zoe and I were stuck in traffic. It was hopeless. We were about two blocks away from the airport, and I knew what I had to do. I put the car in park in the middle of the road and got out to start running.

"James, what are you doing?!" Zoe shouts from behind me, but I can't waste any time. I run as fast as I could, trying to reach Taylor on her cellphone the whole time.

I have left her probably at least a dozen messages, all of which have gone unanswered. I stare at the airport screen to find the gate I need to be at. However, I apparently had to purchase an airline ticket in order to get past security and reach the gate. I handed the woman my credit card without any hesitation. Even if I didn't come from a wealthy family, even if that had been my entire life savings that I just used to buy that plane ticket, I wouldn't care.

I ran as fast as my legs would allow until I reached the gate.

This couldn't be right.

The waiting area was completely empty. I ran over to another screen with listings of flight departures, only to see that the gate had been changed and was now on the other side of the airport.

I ran and ran some more, and arrived to see another empty gate.

I looked out the window, just in time to see a plane take off into the air.

To Fall For a City Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें