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I hung up the phone with Taylor and immediately told Logan the address and we were speeding off into the night. She sounded so upset, the most upset I have ever heard her be, and I was so worried.

Logan was driving a little faster than normal, upon my request, and we arrived about fifteen minutes after I had received the call. I scanned the front of the restaurant for her and couldn't see anything, then I saw her.

I saw a blonde curled up on a bench outside and she had her head buried in her arms on top of her knees. Even though I couldn't see the face I knew it was her.

I jogged up to her and sat down next to her. "Taylor, what happened?"

She tried to stop crying and to wipe the tears from her face before looking at me. Her face was red and puffy from crying and yet she still looked so beautiful.

"I, I can't s-s-"

"Shhh." I silenced her since it was too hard for her to tell me right now. I pulled her into my arms and just held her as she cried. She started to sob and I rubbed her back to calm her down. After a few minutes, her crying stopped and she then looked up at me.

"I hate to see you cry, beautiful." I whispered and wiped the last few tears away from her eyes.

She sighed. "That's not making this easier." I looked at her in confusion.

"James, I have loved spending time with you for the past two months. You are so sweet, so kind, and so much fun to be around. But people from your life have made it clear to me in the past few days that I am someone who doesn't necessarily belong with someone like you."

I tried to stop her but she silenced me with her hand over my mouth. "Hold on, or I won't have the courage to do this. I thought that it didn't bother me that people didn't like me with you, but when your dad-"

"What? My father spoke to you?!" I was furious. Walter may have things to talk to me about, but he has no right to speak to Taylor about this, or anything for that matter.

"Was he here? Is, is that who you were meeting here?" She nodded and started to cry.

"James I am so sorry for not telling you, but he said it was important not to tell you, and it turns out that he cares about your happiness. He may have a funny way of showing it, but he wants what is best for you, and I don't think that me being in your life is what's best for you."

My father had stooped down to a whole new level of sick. He had managed to convince Taylor that she wasn't worth it and wasn't good enough. He couldn't be further from the truth.

"Wait here." I said as I ran into the expensive restaurant. I could hear her yelling at me to stop, but it had to be done.

I scanned the restaurant until I found my father. He was in the middle of what looked like a business dinner, but I didn't care. I stormed up to the table.

"How dare you. You knew how much she meant to me." I growled.

"Son, this will have to discuss this later. I don't have time right now." He was basically brushing off the fact that he made Taylor feel lower than low about herself, and that was not ok.

"No, Walter. This will be handled now. What you did to Taylor was completely low, even for you. You had no right to say those things! If you had a problem, you should handle it with me, not bring her into this. I asked you to get Nikki to stop harassing me, and now you start ruining my chances with Taylor! Do you know how sick that is!?"

"Son, you are getting worked up over a girl you hardly know. You could find a million of other women just like her and wouldn't know what you were missing."

I pounded my fist down on the table, causing the dishes to clatter and my father and his guests to jump in their seats.  "She is everything! I know you don't understand, but there is a girl outside who is crying her eyes out because of what you said to her. You could have ruined my chances with her. She seems to believe that we should end things because of you. I am disgusted by this and want nothing to do with you."

I turned to walk away and heard Walter mutter, "Sure, walk away, just like your mother." That's it.

In one quick motion, my fist connected with his jaw. He was knocked to the floor in the process. "Don't you ever talk about Mum, or Taylor ever again!"

"I don't get why you care about her so much, she's just some ordinary-"

"It's because I'm falling in love with her!" I shouted. Everyone in the restaurant looked over because of the commotion.

I turned to exit, when I saw Taylor standing by the entrance with her hands over her mouth in shock. She had seen everything. She had heard everything.


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