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The next morning, I found my sleep being rudely interrupted by my flying ninja of a roommate. She tackled me and kept screaming "wake up wake up!" Until I finally opened my eyes.

"What Zoe??"

"Well we have class in an hour I figured you'd like to know." She shrugs and leaves me to get ready. I'm really happy Zoe and I are getting along and that we have a lot of the same classes.

I dress in a pale blue dress with brown sandals and curl my long blonde hair. I do some light makeup and then I'm ready.
We make our way over to the university and talk the whole way. Zoe is very obnoxious and loud at most times of the day, but she's also really sweet.

We go into the first class of the day and spot two empty seats toward the middle of the class. They just so happen to be next to our adorable new neighbor and what looks like his friend. Zoe lets me slide in first so I can sit next to James. I give her a 'thank you' look and she giggles as she takes her seat.

"Well it looks like we meet again." He smiles at me.

His smile is just so perfect.

"Yeah it seems like it!" I say awkwardly.

"Oh! This is my friend Trevor. Trevor, this is Taylor and that is Zoe."

Trevor says hello to each of us and as he talks to us, reminds me of Zoe a lot.
As the class ends, we all get up and talk about what classes we have next.

"I have English literature 3 next." I say as I check my schedule.

"Oh great! I do as well, I'll walk with you." James says.

"Well I will see you all later I have pottery." Zoe says and skips about her way.

Trevor mumbles about where he is going next but I am too absorbed in the way James is staring at me. He's just smiling and staring. I wonder if he knows that he's doing it.

"Hello?! James? Taylor?"

We both look back at Trevor who clearly can tell we are ignoring him.

"Sorry trev, we were just leaving." James says and,...grabs my hand as we leave. I am take aback by his gesture but continue to walk down the path while holding his large hand in mine. We start walking past buildings when all of a sudden when we round a corner with a quiet little alleyway, James pushes me against the wall of the building.

I gasp at the gesture as it took me by surprise and he is deeply staring into my eyes.

He puts his hands on either side of my face and doesn't say anything for a few minutes. My breathing does not return to its normal rhythm, it can't.

"Sorry." He sighs and puts his forehead against mine.
I close my eyes. "It's okay." I whisper.

"You are so, so beautiful." He says looking at the floor in a voice that is almost inaudible. I gently grab his chin and make him look at me. He looks embarrassed that he said that out loud which makes me giggle.

His smile returns
to his face at my actions.

"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. I was just laughing cuz you were blushing and it was cute."
"We better get to class." He says and once again grabs my hand and walks me to class.

To Fall For a City BoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora